Versions Compared


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line of business nameidline_of_businessnameidhuman readable pk for line_of_business
line of business idcodeline_of_businessidcodepk for line_of_businessshort hand for LOB
line of business codenameline_of_businesscodeshort hand for LOBnamehuman readable line of business


transaction idtransactionidpk for transction
deductible amounttransactiondeductible_amountdeductible amount that applies to the Physical Damage coverages
accounting yeartransactionaccounting_yearReflects reporting yeartransaction idtransactionidpk for transction
exposure_amounttransactionexposure_amountEnter the actual number of vehicles covered by the premium posted in the statistical record. Usually this will be one, although it is possible for the same coverage to be provided in the same policy on more than one vehicle, in which case the Exposure entry would be the number of vehicles covered under the coding entry.
transaction typetransactiontype
deductible_amounttransactiondeductible_amountdeductible amoDunt that applies to the Physical Damage coverages

transactionf_transactional_code_idfk for tbl: transaction_code

transactionf_state_idfk for tbl: state

transactionf_coverage_code_idfk for tbl: coverage_code

transactionf_policy_idfk for tbl: policy


coverage idcoverage_codeidpk for coverage table
coverage codecoverage_codecodeA code that identifies the exposure coverage associated with the manual class code.
coverage namecoverage_codenameHuman readable name of coverage
coverage notecoverage_codenotea space for notes on coveragecoverage idcoverage_codeidpk for coverage table


state idstateidpk for state
state namestatenamehuman readable name
state codestatecodeState Abbreviation 

Transaction Code

transaction idtransaction_codeidPK for transaction codes
transaction codetransaction_codecodeIdentifies a loss transaction on limited coded records. The field will be populated on loss-related Transaction Codes if the record is not fully coded.
transaction nametransaction_codenamehuman readable name for transaction code


subline idsublineidpk for subline
subline namesublinenamehuman readable name for subline
subline codesublinecodeshort hand for subline code