Playbook | Template Name | Credential | Description |
ansible/environment-setup.yaml | <env_id>-<org_id>-environment-setup | aws-git-actions bastion git-config | Install open source tools on the bastion host. Setup the access to the cloud APIs |
ansible/deploy-fabric-ingress.yml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-fabric-ingress | aws-git-actions bastion git-config | Deploy Ingress controllers (classes) and cloud load balancers for the HLF k8s cluster |
ansible/role_dns_zone_config.yml | <env_id>-<org_id>-dns-config | aws-git-actions bastion git-config | Creates DNS entries to the defined domain and routes to the deployed load balancers |
ansible/deploy-vault.yml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-vault | aws-git-actions bastion git-config | Deploy Vault raft cluster for storing HLF identities (application and HLF nodes admins) |
ansible/deploy-fabric-operator.yml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-fabric-operator | aws-git-actions bastion git-config | Deploy HLF fabric operator |
ansible/deploy-fabric-console.yml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-fabric-console | aws-git-actions bastion git-config fabric-console | Deploy HLF operator console |
ansible/deploy-openidl-app-identities.yml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-app-identities | aws-git-actions bastion git-config fabric-console | Registers and enrolls the openidl application identities used to transact on the openidl fabric network |
ansible/deploy-openidl-app-ingress.yml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-app-ingress | aws-git-actions bastion git-config | Deploys the application ingress controller and class. Creates the applications load balancers for the applications k8s cluster. |
ansible/deploy-mongodb.yml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-mongodb | aws-git-actions bastion git-config | Deploys mongoDB as application database |
ansible/deploy-openidl-app-config.yaml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-app-config | aws-git-actions bastion git-config fabric-console hds-access (carrier node) | Generates and deploys the application config as secrets |
ansible/deploy-openidl-app.yaml | <env_id>-<org_id>-deploy-app | aws-git-actions bastion git-config | Deploys the openidl applications |