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An AWS credential is used to access AWS APIs. The IAM user is created during the AWS provisioning step. This user usually should have access to AWS resources and the provisioned k8s clusters (HLF and applications k8s). The user is usually named and suffixed with git-actions admin. External AWS id is usually git-actions.

The user is used by the playbooks to perform the deployment and setup actions.

The credential detailed parameters can be found in the terraform state.

  - id: aws_access_key
    type: string
    label: aws_access_key
    secret: true
    help_text: AWS IAM user access key for aws
  - id: aws_secret_key
    type: string
    label: aws_secret_key
    secret: true
    help_text: AWS IAM user secret key for aws
  - id: aws_external_id
    type: string
    label: aws_external_id
  - id: aws_assume_role_arn
    type: string
    label: AWS IAM user role to assume
  - aws.access_key
  - aws.secret_key
  - aws.external_id
  - aws.assume_role_arn
  aws_access_key: '{{ aws_access_key }}'
  aws_secret_key: '{{ aws_secret_key }}'
  aws_external_id: '{{ aws_external_id }}'
  aws_assume_role_arn: '{{ aws_assume_role_arn }}'


The terraform AWS credential used to provision some resources in AWS like DNS entries. 

You may find the credentials of the terraform user in terraform state of your project <org_id>-<env>-iam (entry "user": "terraform_user")

The definition type is the same as defined for aws-git-actions. The definition can be re-used when creating the credential by picking the type as created above.


Git credentials (used to pull configuration from the private repository)

  - id: sshkey
    type: string
    label: Base64 encoded deploy private key string
    secret: true
  - id: repourl
    type: string
    label: GIT repo URL
  - id: repobranch
    type: string
    label: Git repo branch
  ssh_key: '{{ sshkey }}'
  git_configs_repo_url: '{{ repourl }}'
  git_configs_repo_branch: '{{ repobranch }}'


Bastion Machine SSH credential.

This machine is bootstrapped during the AWS infrastructure provisioning step. It is used as a remote agent for the ansible playbooks. It is the entry point (gateway) to access the AWS infrastructure in order to setup and deploy the network.

Machine - an existing standard credential in AWX


Access information for application HDS DB.

This credential is injected by the playbooks to configure the openIDL applications for access to the local carrier HDS database. The ansible playbooks don’t use it to establish a connection to the HDS and perform operations.

  - id: hds_host
    type: string
    label: HDS host
    help_text: HDS host address
  - id: hds_port
    type: string
    label: hds_port
    help_text: HDS port
  - id: hds_username
    type: string
    label: hds_username
    secret: true
  - id: hds_password
    type: string
    label: hds_password
    secret: true
  - id: hds_dbname
    type: string
    label: hds_dbname
  - hds_host
  - hds_port
  - hds_username
  - hds_password
  - hds_dbname
  hds_host: '{{ hds_host }}'
  hds_port: '{{ hds_port }}'
  hds_dbname: '{{ hds_dbname }}'
  hds_password: '{{ hds_password }}'
  hds_username: '{{ hds_username }}'


Fabric Operator Console access default user/password.

Used by the playbooks to inject default user and password for the fabric console deployment. Make sure the generate a strong password as it will secure properly the access to the node HLF managed.

The playbooks also use this credential to connect to the console for the purpose of performing operations on the HLF nodes.

Take note of that credential as the provided user and password will be required to log in to the fabric operator console.

  - id: console_username
    type: string
    label: console_username
    help_text: Fabric Operator Console Username
  - id: console_password
    type: string
    label: console_password
    secret: true
    help_text: Fabric Operator Console Password
  - console_username
  - console_password
  console_password: '{{ console_password }}'
  console_username: '{{ console_username }}'
