ZOOM Meeting Information:
Monday, December 19th, 2022 at 9am PT/12pm April 10, 2023, at 11:30am PT/2:30pm ET
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Meeting ID: 790 499 9331
- Sean Bohan (openIDL)
- Justin Cimino (AAIS)
- Jeff Braswell (openIDL)
- Mason Wagoner (AAIS)
- Yanko Zhelyazkov (Senofi)
- David Reale (Travelers)
- Ash Naik (AAIS)
- Satish Kasala (Hartford)
- Faheem Zakaria (Hanover)
- Update on ND POC (KenS)
- MS Hurricane Zeta POC Architecture Discussion (KenS)
- Update on openIDL Testnet (Jeff Braswell)
- Update on RRDMWG and internal Stat Reporting with openIDL (Peter Antley)
- IWG update (Sean)
- AOB:
- Future Topics:
- Workshops, scheduling challenges, increase involvement
- Last day of uploads for March data
- running report DOI creating data call and running thru that by Weds
- end of ND as far as work goes, retro in June and see whats next
MS Hurricane
- finalizing carrier responses
- security, business continuity
- tighter loop and questionnaire than just a POC
- not started yet, start in
- roadmap for ETL user interface
- Fri talking validations and rules engine
- coming to this meeting next week to talk implementation on rules
- Joseph on next week
- "how are we going to get rules engine compliant with modern security stuff"
- Drules used to day is maybe vers 3, current v10, java in the rules engine is 10vers behind
- not sure how much work it is going to be
- Keep it simple
- Data standard - how to take existing and move to consumable way for carriers to use
- entails changing name, removing commercial auto refs
- getting to Jenny for internal review
- working thru stat plan and got help
- EP - in QA, hoping to get it to talk to Senofi on Thurs to test
- Mason doing legwork so BP, MHO and homeowners
- as we work towards bringing on other POCs, need to think about how we are able to org so these communities can coexist w/o getting in each other's way
- leveraging HL Fabric
- openILD isn't just a single data call for stat reporting
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