ZOOM Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 790 499 9331
Ken Sayers (AAIS)
- Peter Antley (AAIS)
- Nathan Southern (openIDL)
- Sean Bohan (openIDL)
- Yanko Zhelyazkov (Senofi)
- Brian Mills (AAIS)
- Allen Thompson (Hanover)
- Tsvetan Georgiev (Senofi)
TSC Voting Members Attendance:
Meeting Agenda:
- Opening
- Call to Order
- Anti-Trust, Review of TSC Meeting format and Participation by TSC Chair
- Introductions
- TSC Activity Desk
- Architecture Working Group (SeanB)
- Call for AWG Co-Chairs
- RRDMWG Update (PeterA)
- AAIS Stat Reporting using openIDL internal Project (PeterA)
- ND Uninsured Motorist POC (KenS)
- MS Hurricane Zeta POC (KenS)
- Architecture Decisions (KenS)
- openIDL Test(Alpha?)net update (JeffB)
- Infrastructure WG (SeanB)
- Architecture Working Group (SeanB)
Sean Bohan began with the LF Anti Trust Statement and a welcome to everyone. No quorum was achieved this morning.
TSC Activity desk - Mr. Bohan noted a couple of solid AWG calls recently; work on documentation occurred and where artifacts should live. A call has gone out for AWG co-chairs; Mr. Sayers has stepped up in the interim to fill in. Mr. Bohan is reaching out to field volunteers for co-chairs.
Mr. Antley presented the RRDWMG update. Discussions have occurred on the stat plan and data submission standard. There has been a draft document of the auto standard and review/consideration of the openIDL data standard. Mr. Antley has explored a few minor modifications but carriers want to keep Day 2 changes and get stat plan ratified. Antley's team working on front-end application for uploading data to the HDS.
Mr. Sayers reported that the ND Uninsured Motorists POC wrapped as a success. Follow-ups will occur with ND in June to discuss how it went and what comes next. Mr. Sayers then discussed the Hurricane Zeta POC. Joan and Daniela have been talking and discussions have occurred with different vendors. Planning is about to occur after many internal discussions. LF and AAIS are meeting tomorrow to discuss next steps. One carrier and CrisisTrack are involved at this point.
Mr. Sayers recapped on architectural decisions. Documents were discussed and decisions are pending around some matters that Mr. Madison brought up. Mr. Sayers informally invited anyone who has architectural points of discussion or issues to present in the AWG.
The Test Net is still up and running and has moved to entirely HL Fabric Op nodes at this point. The build-a-node workshop is ready to launch and will kick off within the next week or two. AWS is interested in participating and may be providing builder credits. Between now and end of June - 17-18 sessions projected. Every session will be recorded. Office hour breaks will take place in-between sessions. Scheduling will be settled today/tomorrow.
Last IWG meeting occurred last Thu - and a great discussion took place about documentation and documentation standards that led directly to Monday's discussion in the AWG. The next IWG is scheduled for Thursday, May 11th.
Recording/Meeting Minutes