Thursday, November 17th at 9am PT/12pm ET
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 790 499 9331
- Peter Antley
- Jefferson Braswell
- Lanaya Nelson
- James Madison
- David Reale
TSC Voting Members Attendance:
- Ken Sayers (AAIS, TSC Chair)
- David Reale Brian Hoffman (Travelers)
- Mohan S (Hartford)
- Allen Thompson (Hanover)
Meeting Agenda:
- Call to Order (KenS)
- Anti-Trust, Review of TSC Meeting format and Participation by TSC Chair
- Introductions
- TSC Activity Desk (TSC - Activity Tracking)
- Architecture Working Group (KenS)
- RRDMWG Update (PeterA))
- AAIS Stat Reporting using openIDL internal Project (PeterA)
- ND Uninsured Motorist POC (KenS)
- openIDL Testnet update (JeffB)
Meeting Minutes:
Introductory Comments
The meeting commenced at 12:04pm EST and began with Mr. Southern reading the Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Statement.
Updates - Architecture Working Group
Mr. Sayers began with a recap of the Architecture Working Group and a corresponding update. He noted that on Monday Nov. 14th, the team focused on describing the functional scope of the different modules, and this will continue next week. Examples include the Control Module and the Data Module. They are looking on what might run in the footprint, inside or outside the carrier node, which will vary depending on the carrier at hand. The AWG also discussed the POC scope; Mr. Sayers noted that he updated the related document online and requirements have been collected and delineated. The group also touched on business value, and Mr. Sayers asked Mr. Braswell to comment on this later in the meeting.
Updates - RRDMWG
Mr. Antley stated that in the RRDMWG, some polishing is forthcoming. The auto coverage report is mostly done, but some refining is necessary. The test banks haven't yet been done. The group in general has been suspended due in part to the Thanksgiving holiday, until Friday, December 9th. On 12/9 the group will resume and begin exploring stat data for homeowners. The team will work through homeowners, track KPIs, and gauge how much work it will entail to add another line of insurance. The group took some time to get through auto, but plans to work through homeowners much more quickly. Its next big hurdle is: how quickly can we get through homeowners and get a better sense of what progress through additional lines of insurance will require. Mr. Antley doesn't anticipate initially having Day 2-3 discussions on homeowners; his plan is to focus on getting Day 1 certified by the group, and to get a test data set for homeowners, and put a test data set in the PostgreSQL table.
North Dakota POC
Mr. Sayers noted that the group did a quick demo on Monday via the test net of reports being generated and working, and the team has been going through the testing and configuration of the POC network, working through the nodes, and ensuring their functionality. Mr. Sayers and his team are also creating a video for the different carriers to follow, and supporting documentation that should be sent out next week. Final testing/configuration is being done for the 11 carrier nodes and the analytics node. They are still on target to do their first report in December using November data.
openIDL Test Net Update
Mr. Braswell noted that the Senofi team has been working quite well on the deliverables of their SOW and the corresponding implementation. In October, all the nodes of the openIDL test net were stood up. In November, the emphasis has involved looking at some of the issues on the application side - some of the applications stood on top of the raw network. The work in December will focus on ways to improve the configuring and maintenance and deployment of the network, to make it more efficient, less costly, and more reliable. Senofi is on track with this phase; there is also good synergy with Mr. Antley and some of the stat plan/reporting to start using the idl test net as an initial means to work on some of the postgreSQL requests for data and responses. One of the emphasis in the coming weeks will involve gradually merging the subprojects on openIDL through the end of the year.
Mr. Braswell also described the Q1 2023 emphasis will focus on greater involvement with the teams (staffing/resources) to learn how work can be most effectively managed to support the premier members and the carriers.
No additional items of discussion were presented, and the meeting adjourned at 12:21pm.
Discussion Items:
Time | Item | Who | Notes |