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  1. Call to order: 9am PT/12pm ET
  2. Anti-Trust, Review of TSC meeting format and participation by Truman Esmond, TSC Chair and welcome from Michelle Martineau, Linux Foundation Program Manager
  3. (Approve Minutes from previous meeting) That the minutes of the October 8, 2021 meeting of the openIDL Technical Steering Committee located HERE, are hereby confirmed, approved and adopted.
  4. Agenda Review
    1. Open Floor: call for New Agenda Items to identify/consider
  5. Standing Agenda Items:
    1. TSC efforts and status
      1. Working Groups and POCs
      2. Update on migration project (Ken Sayers, AAIS-- TDOCS and GitHub)
      3. Data Architecture and data modeling
        1. Data Architecture and recast what data model we are chasing and why
        2. Current model vs. target model
        3. Tracing transactions end to end
          1. How to trace and have enough audit controls for tracing
        4. Latest solution diagram and emphasis on data model is for the API (which can be within or outside the node)
        5. Sequence diagram
        6. Audit/provenance topic. Decision: graphQL for the extraction API
        7. Establish the Data architecture Working Group as discussed in meeting last week
      4. Other Steering or Board committee updates
      5. Open Floor: Community input/feedback on current efforts
    2. TSC Backlog Planning/Grooming
    3. Upcoming events and TSC schedule
      1. Any changes to the schedule mentioned 
    4. TSC Items to Consider:
    5. Wrap-up: To-dos and community communication
    6. Discussion: time permitting
  6. Adjourn: 10am PT/1pm ET
  7. Extended Discussion/Socialization – Chair will keep meeting open as community requests, for up to 1 hour (11pm PT/2pm ET; minutes not recorded)

Recording/Meeting Minutes

View file

Attendee Introductions and Anti Trust

Quorum reached

Minutes approved from last meeting 12/9

Migration projects

              -Flood WG

                            -Another could be extending around MS Emergency Management/Coastal Catastrophe

              -Making project with two carriers- one partially set up and one set up both under way

                             -These projects are the next community contribution for the code base

              -openIDL hardening item is starting, Ken will provide updates on that moving forward

Architecture modeling

              -Implementation decision

                             -The purpose of the solution and then seeing where flexibility or rigidity needs to be you know you're put into that solution

                             -How is this going to do the purpose, how is this going to be applied, what are the technologies and need to challenge the current model

                             -Working group vs project

                                           -By January we want to have a business data dictionary for auto statistical eporting, need to focus on the model

                                           -How do you get the data in and how do you reform it

                             -Data base restrictions

                             -Current technology stack discussion

                             -Extraction patterns and chain code

                                           -each data call only has one extraction pattern

                                           -end result per regulator is the same

                                           -the community creates the options

                             - The technical Steering Committee is a broad Steering Committee that covers openIDL is a platform that can you be used many different ways

                             -Group that is the partner how openIDL will work for a specific application, property and casualty stat reporting, this group is not just restricted to that though

                             -Carriers have the real nods that are going to be processing

                             -Policies and procedures should be written by the carriers who are driving this

                             -GraphQL proposed solution

                             -Quality test and checks

                             -Writing extraction patterns in one language for this application for stat reporting

                                           -there is flexibility depending on the community 


Discussion items

