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ZOOM Meeting Information:

Thursday, July 14th at  9am PT/12pm ET

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Meeting ID: 924 4095 9002
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TSC Voting Members Attendance:


Meeting Agenda:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Anti-Trust, Review of TSC Meeting format and Participation by TSC Chair
  3. AAIS TSC member succession
  4. TSC Chair succession
  5. Update on TSC WG activities
    1. Architecture Working Group
    2. AWG HDS Task Force
  6. Progress on openIDL Auto Stat Plan
  7. openIDL testnet plan and SOW
  8. openIDL governance requirements and procedures
    1. To register/identify/accredit new members
    2. To monitor network
    3. To manage infrastructure and application deployment/upgrades
    4. Provision for network communities
  9. AOB

Recording/Meeting Minutes

A. Procedural Matters

  1. Mr. Braswell discussed new appointment of chair for TSC - and asked for unanimous consent for Mr. Sayers to take over as TSC chair. Laid out rationale for appointment of Mr. Sayers
  2. Asked for any comments, objections, criticisms from members.
  3. No objections presented. Mr. Braswell asked for lazy consensus of voting members - four present. Mr. Sayers thus named new TSC Chair
  4. Mr. Braswell then moved into general update and reporting of activities.
  5. Mr. Braswell then turned over to Mr. Sayers to Lead Update

B. Mr. Sayers: 3 Main Threads Underway

  1. AWG and spinoff HDS WG, and process of making sure architecture meets biz and technical requirements. We're reestablishing reqs and making sure all have these req in mind and understood. Updates on wiki accordingly, a/w accompanying documentation. After requirements, we'll discuss actual architecture constructs and go through this process. Possible reconfig of current architecture.
  2. ND POC from AAIS reporting on uninsured motorists - AAIS doing with ND and Top 10 carriers in ND. We are ensuring we understand requirements of captured the insured vins in ND compared against all vins - extraction will be performed etc. Kickoff session on 7/26 in ND, many carriers will be attending. A remote option will be made available. Open to anyone who wants to participate. We will set up nodes for carriers in a hosted fashion, not on their own clouds. Data loaded through a simple UI, loaded into HDS. Test net - Chainyard setting up 10 carriers w/corresp. nodes multitenant and analytics. Reports will be run in Jan Feb 23. ND should be kept abreast. 
    1. Mr. Hoffman inquired about the availability of a sale sheet related to ND, how will corresponding readouts be done. 
    2. Mr. Sayers: dial in and connect with project directly through Chris Aufenthie - he can tell Travelers et. al. directly. Engage with ND - we are really interested in what you are doing.
    3. Mr. Hoffman referenced IICMVA - asked were they part of RFP process?
    4. Mr. Sayers: we should do any sale sheets in concert with ND - this should be put in action items/to-dos for ND project.
    5. Mr. Antley: timeline for this. Kickoff at end of July for ND - should have documentation after we return. Mr. Sayers: we have engagement packages we're giving out to each of carriers and there will be a technical part of this as well, but this is not exactly what Mr. Hoffman requested. Concerned more about the hardening they are doing to make this happen. This needs to be followed up on specifically as an action item/deliverable.
  3. Stat Reporting openIDL project inside AAIS
    1. Great progress being made.  
    2. Scope: two reports id'd for personal auto - very straightfwd initially - using data we currently have as input to feed into idl, using plumbing, not engaging any other carriers. Used to learn how HDS should look, where we're stretching architecture, pieces like extraction pattern that need to be worked on, expanded, improved, etc. Stretch points of current architecture to do stat reporting. AAIS will be feeding lessons back into TSC and AWG, how to improve etc.
    3. Mr. Braswell: this has also been coming out in the data management WG re: the types of things that we need to make this happen w/stat reporting through idl etc. Asked Mr. Antley to comment on using flat file to produce existing stat report and then going to a more flexible HDS option to produce the same report. Sequence of steps to go through - as laid out in last meeting. Great progress. Much of work Mr. Antley has been doing has been advancing our ability to show auto stat plan as a proof of the plumbing working for the POC.
    4. Mr. Antley: has been working on reproducing two reports via existing architecture - Mongo with mapreduce. Going through columns on report discussing math required to generate various columns and working on calculations and highlighting that format in which we're ingesting data is sufficient for ingestion but a data level is missing: (embedding ETL into VI layer): how can data be made available to business users, more accessible, queries can be performed without excess overhead. Id'ing required fields and various calculations. We still need to be able to query through time which demands more complex data model. Yesterday: ETL pipeline. Two lambdas hooked up to facilitate ingestion of data successfully. Extraction pattern run today for ND POC. Demo forthcoming in August.
    5. Mr. Braswell concluded by affirming that many great things are coming out of these WGs and we'll benefit from taking work to the next level.

C. Mr. Braswell - openIDL TestNet plan

  1. SOW with Chainyard to implement an initial 4-5 note Testnet with which idl can work - so we can get up to speed on monitoring and certificate of authority validation processes openIDL will help monitor and provide. 
    1. Part of work: providing documentation about how new members can join etc. What do we need to deploy code to the network?
    2. Given the fact that some work is happening with Chainyard on other projects, we want to have some intra-project sharing. Using one aspect of the work to inform the types of things that we need to do at openIDL to ingest that work and turn it from a development project into more of a production entity.
    3. Plan now is to get up and running with this initial SOW, which has been modified slightly to inform Chainyard we need their participation beyond basic network set up
    4. This will mean dovetailing with AAIS work. We do have a modified SOW which indicates that Chainyard will be standing up this network and monitoring it for the coming months.
    5. Better presentation of what this looks like forthcoming on next call.
    6. Moving fwd. now with strategy that enables us to see how openIDL can accept and bring on board new application that is being developed while continuing with the broader developments for stat plan and general queries. 
    7. More information about this approach as we go forward
    8. Types of things openIDL needs to do itself to monitor, register and manage the infrastructure of the network in an oversight process.
    9. Called for any additional questions from group - none presented.
  2. openIDL governance requirements and procedures - letting TSC know that a number of stakeholders have a role in this process. We are in the process of laying out processes for registering/id'ing accrediting new members, monitoring network, managing infrastructure, provisioning for network communities, etc. 

D. Mr. Braswell - conclusion - turned back over to Mr. Sayers - no additional comments or business. Meeting adjourned at 12:29pm EST.

Discussion Items:



Action Items:

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