2022-03-21 Architecture WG Meeting notes
Antitrust Policy
Sean Bohan < sbohan@linuxfoundation.org> ( openIDL )
- Isaac Kunkel (Chainyard)
- Peter Antley (AAIS)
- Allen Thompson (Hanover)
- James Madison (Hartford)
- David Reale (Travelers)
- Jeff Braswell
- Truman Esmond (AAIS)
- Megan Ebling (AAIS)
- Rajesh Sanjeevi
- Ken Sayers (AAIS)
- Dhruv Bhatt
- Important Links
- Mailing List: architecture+subscribe@lists.openidl.org
- Wiki: Architecture Working Group page
- Architecture Wiki Page: openIDL - Architecture
- RRDWMG / Focus Group Discussion - Technical Considerations Link
- "openIDL as a service" approach
- Architecture WG Chair and Vice Chain Nominations
The Purpose statement for the Architecture WG
- Proposal Outline for TSC Approval:
- Introduction
Work Products
Collaborators (other groups, WGs, SIGs)
Interested Parties
Proposed Chair & Vice Chair
- Proposal Outline for TSC Approval:
Initial planning for next meetings and steps
- Diagram provided by KenS:
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
Action items
- Agenda for Architecture WG Call 3/28:
- First half hour - interface
- Second half hour - openIDL as a service