2022-03-14 Architecture WG Meeting notes


Antitrust Policy


  • Sean Bohan < sbohan@linuxfoundation.org> ( openIDL )

  • Truman Esmond (Deactivated)(TSC Chair)

  • Ken Sayers (AAIS)
  • Dale Harris (Travelers)
  • Allen Thompson (The Hanover)
  • David Reale (Travelers)
  • Isaac Kunkel (Chainyard)
  • Jeff Braswell
  • Joan Zerkovich (AAIS)
  • Megan Ebling (AAIS)
  • Peter Antley (AAIS)
  • James Madison (Hartford)


  1. Important Links
    1. Mailing List: architecture+subscribe@lists.openidl.org
    2. Wiki: Architecture Working Group page
    3. Architecture Wiki Page: openIDL - Architecture
  2. High level architecture review - Truman and Ken
  3. Architecture WG Chair and Vice Chain Nominations
  4. The Purpose statement for the Architecture WG

    • Proposal Outline for TSC Approval:
      • Introduction
      • Scope

      • Work Products

      • Collaborators (other groups, WGs, SIGs)

      • Interested Parties

      • Proposed Chair & Vice Chair

  5. Initial planning for next meetings and steps


Discussion items


Action items

  • Chair and Vice Chair Nominations to begin at next ArchWG meeting, Monday 3/21
  • Sean Bohan to begin drafting WG Proposal for TSC Approve
  • All attendees encouraged to join Mailing List
  • Agenda for Monday 3/21 Architecture WG call to be sent out Friday 3/18
