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Peter Antley 

Josh Hershman

Nathan Southern 

Jefferson Braswell 

Chudwick, Susan R 

Mason Wagoner 

Reggie Scarpa

Brian Mills

Greg Williams 

Aryan Miriyala

James Madison 

Ash Naik 

Allen Thompson

Jenny Tornquist

Susan Young

This is a weekly series for The Regulatory Reporting Data Model Working Group. The RRDMWG is a collaborative group of insurers, regulators and other insurance industry innovators dedicated to the development of data models that will support regulatory reporting through an openIDL node. The data models to be developed will reflect a greater synchronization of data for insurer statistical and financial data and a consistent methodology that insurers and regulators can leverage to modernize the data reporting environment. The models developed will be reported to the Regulatory Reporting Steering Committee for approval for publication as an open-source data model.

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I. Introduction & Antitrust Statement - Peter Antley

II. Meeting Business

A. Recap on work over the last month

  1. Extensive planning with OLGA. Defined what it will take to finish it.
  2. Highlighted the areas that will entail the greatest risk
  3. Doing some proof of concepts for OLGA - to do the following
    1. Upload a 5 GB file - in multipart upload; this went well
    2. Other related question: how will the tables look with the grid components?
      1. A grid component has been pulled together for job and job details.
      2. On this note, Peter pulled up a POC interface with jobs 1-3 for OLGA
      3. Noted that landing page, when we sign into OLGA, will pull a list of all the files
      4. A file becomes a job - so this is effectively a job table, and we have some functionality on this job table
      5. We can sort things as needed - ascending/descending order etc.
      6. Also have the option to filter by job
      7. When we click on 1, 2 or 3 e.g., the job details come up - this pulls up a second grid (a subgrid) - with per-line data on personal and homeowners, and summary data. Total premium, total claim, written premium, etc. If we want to update these claims, we can add more filtering, etc.
      8. Also possible to manage columns. 50-70 columns depending on the record. (For example: Job ID, User file Name, System file name, etc.) These can be toggled on and off

B. Work over next two weeks:

  1. Right now we can filter but only by one attribute - Working toward filtration via multiple attributes - this is next. 
  2. Will also be working on a grid component for stat data
  3. Will also be working on a grid component for showing errors
  4. Biggest concern from Peter: UI with in-line editing. In-line editing in SDMA is generally working for people. Existing set up - room for improvement.

(No questions were issued about any of this - just a clarification that this is an empty platform with no loaded data at present. At the next RRDMWG there should be stat data loaded).

C. Mason Waggoner - audio update on stat lines done and in process and to come

  1. Over the last month, Mason's team has completed personal auto and commercial auto, also mobile homeowners, dwelling properties, farm properties, farm owners, general liability
  2. Finishing up inland marine this iteration
  3. Next plans: moving into crime and commercial properties. 
  4. This will leave business owners, artisans, boat owners, yachts and glass to be worked on.
  5. On this basis, stat record for any of these completed lines can be put in the HDS and a query can be run against it
  6. Clarification: it is based off the current existing stat plans in the format for openIDL and very similar to SDMA format - base tables from SDMA + OLGA used to run the rules and populate those tables.
  7. DDL will be set up and initial load scripts for all lines AAIS is covering - all stat plans - ETA: End of August/Beginning Sep.  if everything goes as it has been 
  8. Hoping to upload/validate personal auto and move into HDS, and as soon as stat records are finished, rules will be modernized; updates were made to rules engine and rules files for each of lines will be updated accordingly

D. Timeline

  1. Personal auto - solid UI to upload and validate data by the end of August
  2. Hoping for same timeline to have the DDLs figured out for all of the stat lines

Question was also raised if coastal catastrophe project is of interest to this group, and noted that it would be of interest to the RRDMWG to have a data model that can deal with many different types of scenarios. It would be important to have a consolidated effort to support this coastal as a use case. The group should take this up at some point. Peter noted that the same stat layouts used for the internal stat reporting project. Loss records/claims records, and sparsely populated stat records. More detailed updates will be forthcoming at the next RRDMWG meeting in two weeks.

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