Aryan Miriyala
Michael Payne
This is a weekly series for The Regulatory Reporting Data Model Working Group. The RRDMWG is a collaborative group of insurers, regulators and other insurance industry innovators dedicated to the development of data models that will support regulatory reporting through an openIDL node. The data models to be developed will reflect a greater synchronization of data for insurer statistical and financial data and a consistent methodology that insurers and regulators can leverage to modernize the data reporting environment. The models developed will be reported to the Regulatory Reporting Steering Committee for approval for publication as an open-source data model.
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- Peter's team has been building it out.
- 2 weeks ago - PA shared the list of files and data regarding particular files
- Joseph pulled up his screen to illustrate where it stands today. Background:
- There is a table now with stat data
- 1 column for each code on the stat record
- Around 100 records
- Just working with a small sample for the purposes of development.
- Wrt SDMA: they have added the ability to search and filter on columns.
- Some issues have arisen from trying to filter more than one column at a time. On this note: Peter verified that it is indeed a requirement. Those present: yes, it is.
- On this note Peter's team will find a way to make this happen.
- Clarification of which criteria are used to filter. Joseph: some data types may be different. Current components:
- Contains
- Equals
- Starts with
- Ends with
- Is Empty
- Is Not Empty
- Is Any of
- Should be sufficient for string values. Clarification among attendees: criteria need to be more specific - e.g., filtering against x error code for y amount, for z dollar range. Noted in meeting that the drop-downs can be used for this purpose. Currently set up per: Column/Operator/Value.
- Noted that it isn't possible to filter out multiple column headings per excel. However it is possible to keep adding additional filters.
- Peter does intend to add numerical filters however to provide broader capability.
- Decision: for now they will start with "And" and then add sublines. "Or" will probably not be needed. Many will be = or greater than or lesser than, or contains (to search for something in the middle of the string. Nulls and blanks as well, and ranges (combinations of less than and greater than). Operators can be easily built as general purpose selectors.
- AAIS is trying very hard to make the application free. Most of the out of box grid components tables such as this give everything away for free except for the components used for enterprise settings. AAIS seeking a low to no cost open source solution for the table and Peter anticipates getting it worked out.
- Steps for Peter's team moving forward
- Get grid component worked out with multiple filtering
- Will get UI est'd for business users to prompt the application to do these things
- Running filters many times will be getting an updated data set from the database; this will need to be implemented as well.
- They will then explore displaying errors using the drools engine and will then get the error report for the post-validation stage. Seeking the same type of error report produced by excel from this application.
B. Recap on previous request for more documentation on data standards
1. Peter's team has all of the stat plans
2. The name of the auto one has been changed, and it's very close to being 'openIDL Personal Auto Stat Plan.'
3. The rest have a lot of AAIS words on them but the coding instructions are still valid for now.
4. Previous question: where do we put them and how can we share them? It was noted that they can be stored on the wiki and that this dovetails with the current broad revision of the wiki being undertaken by Sean Bohan. A section will be made on the wiki exclusively for this
C. The Escalation of including a policy effective date for some of the stat plans.
- AAIS is in the planning stages of how they are going to get this out.
- A separate internal project that they are working on - looking at line by line enhancements to existing stat plans, which would in turn enhance openIDL also.
- Originally they wanted to incorporate these into the openIDL rollout but now it's a question of using the current stat plans as they are
- Currently, most of lines of business don't have a policy effective date on the premium end loss layout records such as auto. This is a critical field for current and future purposes, handling any new carrier transitions coming in, and any issues related to runoff loss handling
- The plan is to coordinate it with the openIDL world
- It will take the form of a 4-digit field - 4 positions starting with 2 lines (priorities: auto and commercial fire - priorities).
- This needs to be incorporated into stat plans in a 4 digit format
- they will then look at moving this into other lines of business
- Their current target ETA is Q1 2024
It was pointed out that this can open a broader discussion with the group about enhancements to the data model.
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