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Peter Antley

Dale Harris 

Nathan Southern 

Jenny Tornquist

Ash Naik 

Lori Dreaver Munn (Deactivated) 

Mike Nurse

Hicham Bourjali

Greg Williams 

Joseph Nibert

Chudwick, Susan R 

Aryan Miriyala

Kelly Pratt

Matt Hinds-Aldrich

Mason Wagoner 

Susan Young

Brian Mills

This is a weekly series for The Regulatory Reporting Data Model Working Group. The RRDMWG is a collaborative group of insurers, regulators and other insurance industry innovators dedicated to the development of data models that will support regulatory reporting through an openIDL node. The data models to be developed will reflect a greater synchronization of data for insurer statistical and financial data and a consistent methodology that insurers and regulators can leverage to modernize the data reporting environment. The models developed will be reported to the Regulatory Reporting Steering Committee for approval for publication as an open-source data model.

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I. Introductory Remarks - LF Antitrust Statement & Welcome (Peter Antley)

II. Agenda (Peter Antley)

A. Update on Active Development

  1. Implementation update for OLGA - rebuilding an application to process data and load into the HDS. 
    1. Established dialogue and diagrams and created definitions
    2. Moving into the first stages of the build process
    3. Key milestones on the roadmap:
      1. We can take a file, upload it, and have the file viewable in the application, so that the individual records are visible (est'd). Peter will present tables, filtering, and ability to go from summary data into actual records. Get some feedback on the functionality of the UI. This should be completed by early July.
      2. We can do in-line editing and validations (est'd)
      3. Getting all of the security in place and the app productionized (pending) - Productionizing will occupy the second half of summer 2017.
  2. Re: the Node Builder Workshop - AAIS is currently building nodes with infrastructure partner Senofi. AAIS is standing up a node, other carriers are standing up nodes. AAIS wants to set up a node through workshop, then double back and install OLGA to have a UI to load data, and then demonstrate creating the NAIC state experience report for personal auto. This is the overarching roadmap right now for personal auto. 

B. Discussion about the forthcoming roadmap

  1. Looking beyond personal auto - many additional lines of insurance to ingest
  2. Mason Waggoner has been leading this effort for the last month - and provided an update as follows:
    1. New intern Aryan has been working with homeowners
    2. Mason has been walking Aryan through processes with previous AAIS work with personal auto and other residential properties by way of example
    3. Mason has completed ref. configuration documents for homeowners as well as the sql DDL generators and making the reference table DDLs for homeowners, mobile homeowners, dwelling properties and farm properties. He still needs to build decode view and sanitize the data for residential properties and farm properties. ETA: next week and a half. Will be moving into commercial lines after this.
    4. Now in progress on sanitizing test data, and uploading data to database, to lay the foundation for the decode view of homeowners. Aryan is expected to complete another line of business this summer
  3. Right now, AAIS is working on residential property - trying to determine which direction to go next to help plot out month of June. Commercial lines - commercial auto will be finished up as well. Next: specifically looking at general liability, business owners, inland marine Peter is targeting as next three lines.

With no other items or questions, the meeting was adjourned after 45 min.

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