2022-12-15 TSC Meeting Notes
ZOOM Meeting Information:
Thursday, December 15th, at 9am PT/12pm ET
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 790 499 9331
Sean Bohan (openIDL)
- Jeff Braswell (openIDL)
- Nathan Southern (openIDL)
- Peter Antley (AAIS)
TSC Voting Members Attendance:
- Ken Sayers (AAIS)
- James Madison (Hartford)
- Allen Thompson (Hanover)
- David Reale (Travelers)
Meeting Agenda:
- Call to Order (KenS)
- Anti-Trust, Review of TSC Meeting format and Participation by TSC Chair
- Introductions
- TSC Activity Desk (TSC - Activity Tracking)
- Architecture Working Group (KenS)
- https://lucid.app/lucidchart/ac20d4e1-50ad-4367-b5cf-247ed9bad667/edit?invitationId=inv_de1a5e61-8edc-488a-90ee-8312f8c69cd4&page=cy0StEuclJcD#
- Call for Co-Chairs for the AWG (Sean and Ken)
- ND Uninsured Motorist POC (KenS)
- openIDL Testnet update (JeffB)
- RRDMWG Update (PeterA))
- AAIS Stat Reporting using openIDL internal Project (PeterA)
- Architecture Working Group (KenS)
- Infrastructure WG Update/Documentation (Sean)
Recording/Meeting Minutes
I. Introductory Comments
SB: welcomed everyone to call
SB: Read LF Antitrust Policy
KS: Called everyone to order - a quorum was present.
II. Agenda
A. AWG Update
- KS: Most of activity involves Peter's progress
- KS: Considerable activity synchronizing Chainyard and Senofi
- SB: noted that we have lost Satish and now need co-chairs and greater member input into calls. People from individual organizations can propose via email individuals from their companies to co-chair these discussion
- KS: ND - 60 day reprieve to carriers who wanted more time to do more due diligence. First call will be in February in lieu of Dec
B. TestNet update
- SB: Up and running. Main priorities for Dec are to work on a discovery process around HL Fabric Operator - will make fabric deployment more efficient. Two members of IBM team leading in HL. Senofi team working on discovery to gauge if we want to incorporate this into openIDL. Second priority: supporting Peter Antley and the demo he's doing.
- SB: CA hasn't been finished because we've prioritized Peter's work and operator discovery - CA is 3rd priority.
C. RRDMWG Update
- Prototype for coverage report - almost there. Most of biz questions answered but implementation work still needs to be done
- Moving forward with homeowners. Both of these tables loaded up. Mason producing homeowners report - and making excellent time.
- Hoping we can do a demo for auto and homeowners
- Working with Senofi extensively - stood up testnet PA has access to test net account and openIDL application. Working on polishing a demo where we show creation of report
- PA's next to do is working on the report generator - has two separate PDCs and working on aggregation of two.
D. Infrastructure Working Group
- Two ad hoc calls - first btwn CY and Senofi. Second focused on changes that have happened
- Goal of this group: coordination between the infrastructure partners. Over time will focus on network implementation planning
- Public meeting - anyone who wants to join can
- We're seeking TSC input. Senofi & Chainyard will lead these discussions
- TSC will bring all related issues (bug reports, pull requests, etc.) to the BOG. Maintainer process needs to be defined. A bigger function or working change - esp. consequential - TSC would need to approve this. Meeting will be used as starting point to organize w/infrastructure partners. Right people brought in to make final decisions.
- Three main deliverables for this group
- Defining the code merge btwn ND and Testnet
- Implement code merge btwn to code bases
- Define maintainer policy
- Group will self-organize and create within the codebase side of idl the maintainer corps.
- SB will be identifying main reps from Senofi & Chainyard to be running these calls.
- As idl we need to define how discussions will occur so that it isn't always ad hoc.
III. Logistical decision - TSC over the holidays - meeting on Dec. 28th? No. Agreement to meet in 2nd week of January.
IV. Questions from group
- Hanover - clarification of when their node will be up and running and mapped to HDS - JB: clarified first quarter of 2023. AT: wants to make sure he has the right people present for discussions in Q1 2023 - JB agreed to confer with AT before year's end to make this happen.
- Questions about when data is anonymized - Hanover. JB confirmed that the only data that leaves their nodes is data that has been aggregated and anonymized to their satisfaction. Completely under control and nothing leaves without their consent.
Discussion Items:
Time | Item | Who | Notes |