2023-02-13 Architecture WG Meeting Notes
ZOOM Meeting Information:
Monday, February 13, 2023 at 11:30am PT/2:30pm ET.
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Meeting ID: 790 499 9331
- Jeff Braswell (openIDL)
- Sean Bohan (openIDL)
- Nathan Southern (openIDL)
- Tsvetan Georgiev (Senofi)
- Ken Sayers (AAIS)
- Mason Wagoner (AAIS)
- Dale Harris (Travelers)
- Yanko Zhelyazkov (Senofi)
- Peter Antley (AAIS)
- Faheem Zakaria (Hanover)
- Ash Naik (AAIS)
- Brian Hoffman (Travelers)
- Update on ND POC (KenS)
- Update on openIDL Testnet (Jeff Braswell)
- Update on internal Stat Reporting with openIDL (Peter Antley)
- Update on Infrastructure Working Group (Sean Bohan)
- ETL Discussion Continues (PeterA)
- MS Hurricane Zeta POC Architecture Discussion (KenS)
- AOB:
- Future Topics:
ND Uninsured Motorist
- All data from all carriers and DOI
- Doing data call and DOI will work together on report
- Report in the next day or so
- 9 Groups, 11 Companies + ND DOI + ND DOT
Update on openIDL Testnet (Jeff Braswell)
- Progress on Testnet continues
- Conversations with Hartford and Travelers for test data
- Opportunity to use new tools like Fabric Operator to make setting up more efficient
- Moving stat reporting farther down the road, solve issues for carriers, security issues topics to be address
Update on internal Stat Reporting with openIDL (Peter Antley)
- Going well, focused on ETL
- Mason continues to work on code to decode stat records, urrently on Mobile Home Owners
- PA efforts on ETL
- Near future: interested in getting internal stat reporting, get data into node, next 6 months
- Big changes: looking to bring up node in near future, best way to do that - waiting on Operator to be functional
Update on Infrastructure Working Group (Sean Bohan)
ETL Discussion Continues (PeterA)
- Mechanism to log in, mechanism to submit data
- Proposed discussion flow:
- Carriers submit stat data via SDMA
- Run edit packages against those coded messages
- after edit packages with SDMA, get go/no go decision (pass / fail)
- Submit if passed, review if failed
- Next stage is DECODING if passed
- (change 01 to Alabama)
- error checking within decodes
- if decode works, edits work, move-load into HDS
- Last week discussion
- Stuff Peter has done and mason working on (internal stat stuff is the decoding, not the edits
- Legacy system, worked well, AAIS moving the size of the customer base in the last couple years
- EX: customer wiht a lot of records, load times were bottlenect b/c older system
- stripped out MVP of SDMA and made serverless rendition of it
- GT2 - can load data in 20 min
- GT2 - sinmoler UI than SDMA
- essentially - taking file, putting into S3, putting metadata about object into queue, using lambda to process all data
- way GT2 works, uses Lambda to move data from buckets to Elastic File System, shared file system, step function (orchestator)
- certain timeout in lambda, orchestrate mult lambdas together, nifty tool
- make smaller files, process in parallel
- using Aurora vs RDS
- RDS one step above linux box
- Amazon took RDS step farther, what does enterprise RDS look like?
- 2 versions big and popular -
- first use for auruora - allows to have multi-zone replication, complex dbs in synergy aroundf the globe
- designed to work with lambdas and do cool networking things
- Serverless might fit us well
- Use mult subnets tied into Auruora for extremely fast load
- SDMA functionalty with GT2 Speed may be a goal - is Aurora off the table? use aurora?
- could run postgres with aurora
- Possible?
- Building a reference implementation, something works, not neccessarily most robust but could build it out, something as an option
- get IT folks to run in environment, as a service?
- not core component of openIDL, DIY
- Aurura - paid tool, locks into AWS, ref imolementation on AWS, lanbdas, step functions, etc. - all reasonable things to put into Ref Implementation?
- Issues?
- Aurora supports Postgres SQL
- Moe lanbdas improving, horizontal scaling makes it possible, splitting across lambdas, stripped down SDMA, loses some functionality
- UI and interaction between errors and stuff, both but mostly lambdas
- no sequential dependency on records
- dev has said Auroria allowed massive parallelization of IO, built for serverless, high horizontal scaling
- How long is too long for a load (time it takes to load data into the db)? 6 hours for 30MM records? fro you hit submit until it is all there
- most use cases, daily upload enough
- IICMBA (ND )use case, check for "is this car insured right now" very diff use case
- IICMBA competes with ND POC is trying to do
- Issues with tech stack they are targeting?
- How if a carrier isn't on AWS? Subset as a reference to be added to it? THere is a corresponding tech stack
- good azure dev spends time with PA could translate
- keeping DB/Postgres the same
- so many interdependencies
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