2022-11-01 RRSC Agenda and Meeting notes

November 1, 2022

Tuesday, October 4, 2022
9am to 10am PDT/12:00PM-1PM EST
ZOOM Please Register in advance for this meeting:


Nathan Southern 

Robin Westcott (Deactivated) 

Jefferson Braswell 

Regina Daw

Lanaya Nelson

Daniela Barbosa

Lori Dreaver Munn (Deactivated) 

Ken Sayers 

Sean Bohan 

Kim Brown

Dale Harris 

Peter Antley 

George Bradner 

Tsvetan Georgiev

Susan Young

Agenda Items:

  • General overview of recent progress
    • Stat reporting data spec for “day 1” is stable;  work on derivation of stat reporting measures from the transaction data is fairly complete
    • Architecture and extraction patterns are being developed at a fairly detailed level in the architecture work group
  • openIDL Test Net
    • Looking ahead to the availability of openIDL test net, and the ability of carriers to adopt the stat plan HDS data spec and join the test net beginning in Q1 of 2023 (i.e, in order to initially load sample HDS data and test simple data extraction).
    • Some carriers that do not currently use the AAIS stat reporting service (and, hence, the AAIS stat reporting data format) will need some assistance in mapping their systems of record to the AAIS stat reporting format that is being used as the “day 1” initial data model.
  • Interest in catastrophe reporting
    • Renewed interest in exploring application of openIDL in this area
    • This is a secondary consideration to completing the primary stat reporting use case ( but would leverage architectural work being done for stat reporting  )
    • There are benefits associated with indicating the intent to take up this objective given the natural disasters of late (Hurricane Ian), FOI request, NAIC intitiatives
  • Key upcoming regulatory events - NAIC in December


I. Introductory Comments

A. Ms. Westcott acknowledged the LF Antitrust Statement.

B. Welcome to attendees

II. Agenda

A.  Ms. Westcott acknowledged a change in format of RRSC toward a more roundtable discussion

B. Discussion of chair role by Ms. Westcott

  1. Start pushing the responsibilities for regulatory reporting toward the developments in the NAIC with Sandra Darby's WG for the Stat Reporting Handbook
  2. In the other working group (RRDMWG) the question arose: Can we just do traditional stat reporting and get it up and running in the nodes and on the network, and have the network tested that way to push twd full implementation of standards that the standards group has been working on; moving toward better quality data reports under the data standards to help make sure that we're giving solutions to the group that's meeting at the NAIC re: how to change statistical reporting

C. Mr. Sayers - quick high-level overview

  1. AWG: working on determining what will work for all the carriers wrt statistical reporting and what should be installed in their environments, and what will work best. We settled on using postgreSQL (relational database) in lieu of MongoDB 
  2. Drilling into details of how extraction process will work with a relational database. (handed off to Mr. Antley)
  3. PA -presented slide
    1. We changed DB from Mongo to SQL
    2. Created two tables - working copy of premium table and one copy of loss table
    3. Regulatory reporting: we are focusing on auto and reproducing a report - 2010 Report from Alabama - breaking out auto insurance by numerous metrics. As of earlier this week, we had calculated Earned Premium, Car Years, Incurred Loss and Incurred Count. 
    4. Next: physical damage will be broken into comprehensive and collision
    5. We will also be working on the extraction pattern processor and getting an API going
    6. Next month's updates will be quite fulsome
    7. RRDMWG will continue to meet on Fridays
    8. Talking with AWG on Mondays about technical specifications and using RRDMWG meetings on Fridays to validate our work.

D. Ms. Westcott - clarified that this is not meant to be the final stage of stat reporting or regulatory reporting but the first step into creating the network - the repositories that will work in the test network to do trad'l stat reporting for the first time using this technology. Doesn't yet go beyond trad'l but will eventually do so. Once we prove the workability, we can move more quickly toward creating the nodes to have greater standards developed in working group - and push twd next generation.

E. Mr. Braswell - discussion of Ken & Peter's work in AWG

  1. As we stand up test net one of objectives is to have initial work being done in sandbox to be actively developed and deployed
  2. Objective for the purposes of carriers: to support their ability to join this process into Q1 2023
  3. Some of carriers may need add'l help doing the process because not all of them have been using accepted stat reporting layout that is a test for the POC
  4. We're looking into ways to get others on board with this process - helping carriers, etc.
  5. These conversations will be ongoing.
  6. As we evolve data standard for future use, data model will expand. Mechanisms will be tested to get things working.

F. Mr. Braswell - Catastrophe reporting. Noted that we will be moving more heavily into this area with a possible POC - natural catastrophes such as Florida hurricane. We look forward to using IDL to help with these scenarios

G. Ms. Westcott - recap on ND project etc.

  1. 10 carriers have been asked to connect VIN #s to DOT registered vins in the state to further test the network and see if these connections can be made.
  2. Mr. Sayers reaffirmed this - close to reconnecting with all carriers to do a quick test before we do a Nov. data call.
  3. RW: per Mr. Braswell - possible POC involving disaster response data involving state of Mississippi. 
  4. AAIS interested in having openIDL assume governance of said POC and others.
  5. Mr. Braswell: discussions with tech partners supporting both testnet and ND project - separate teams. All working together - we will increase coordination and information sharing among tech partners. These vendors

H.  Future meetings - brief discussion of reconvening RRSC and tentative agreement that NAIC is an ideal venue to due this.

With no further business Ms. Westcott adjourned the meeting at 12:22pm.

Action items:
