OIDL-0005 - openIDL OLGA Decisions
OLGA is the openIDL Loading Graphical Application
OLGA is a reference implementation of the loading process for carriers to use.
It is meant to kick start companies in their implementation of the ETL/Loading of the Harmonized Data Store.
React / Node JS / Serverless Lambda / SQS, S3
Infrastructure as Code
Use CloudFormation and SAM
- CloudFormation and SAM
- Terraform
- Scripting
Option Analysis
CloudFormation and SAM
- good because it's easy to use
- good because it fits closely into aws
- good because sam simplifies IaC in general
- neutral because it creates more lock in to AWS
- good because it is cloud agnostic as a tool
- neutral because the IaC is still cloud specific
- bad because it is more work to implement
- good because it is known by many
- bad because it is wild west, easy to be inconsistent
- bad because not robust and declarative
User Interface Frameworks
Toast UI for Grid Components
ag grid
mui table
toast ui
Some Licenses are Better than Other
- all licenses should be itemized