2023-04-17 Architecture WG Meeting Notes


ZOOM Meeting Information:

Monday, April 17, 2023, at 11:30am PT/2:30pm ET.

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Meeting ID: 790 499 9331


  • Peter Antley (AAIS)
  • Sean Bohan (openIDL)
  • Dale Harris (Travelers)
  • Jeff Braswell (openIDL)
  • Brian Hoffman (Travelers)
  • Joseph Nibert (AAIS)
  • Mason Wagoner (AAIS)
  • Ken Sayers (AAIS)
  • Yanko Zhelyazkov (Senofi)
  • Allen Thompson (Hanover)
  • Nathan Southern (openIDL)
  • Adnan Choudhury (Chainyard)
  • Tsvetan Georgiev (Senofi)
  • Faheem Zakaria (Hanover)


  • MS Hurricane Zeta POC Architecture Discussion (KenS) 
  • Update on openIDL Testnet (Jeff Braswell)
  • IWG update (YankoZ)
  • Architecture Decision OIDL-0003 (KenS and Team)
  • Update on RRDMWG and internal Stat Reporting with openIDL (Peter Antley)
    • Validations
  • AOB:
  • Future Topics:


  • Where to store new documentation (esp Fabric Operator)
  • Documentation - have it cleaned up - form as an overview or presented?
  • Needs polish and exported and place it 
  • not about creating new docs, taking whats been done and fitting it into the right format
  • past: things in GitHub, set of branches? WIki?
  • PA - Validations
  • when we load data into HDS, goes into a series of validations (edit package in the past)
  • does anyone know history of edit package? as opposed to validations
  • KS - heard it from DH first
  • DH - legacy name, got an "edit package" from ISO back when, bolted onto their systems
  • PA
  • going forward - do we want to call it Edit Package or Validations?
  • DH - part of the validation process but ALSO editing the records so we attain tolerance
  • PA - going forward, talking validation process, rulesets, editing records
  • validation ruleset as opposed to edit package
  • good records and bad records
  • common rules, line specific rules, geographical rules
  • SDMA as exists today, running on java6 and DROOLs vers is 5.5
  • Java is up to Vers 21, DROOLS vers 8
  • most software, part of official openIDL, is in JS
  • do we want our rules engine to work in modern java or modern javascript?
  • in some sense, nice to have codebase in one type of code, 
  • otherwise need to rewruite the whole thing in JS
  • anyone have strong feels about modern java or modern js?
  • KS - all about getting stuff done, lets update to latest vers of java, keep ruleset in java, moving to JS prob would require recasting all the rules into another format
  • leave in Java, run latest Java and DROOLs, dont want to bit off a refactor in first release
  • leverage whatever version that still leverages current format
  • not final arch, first ref implementation
  • JN
  • Java 6-21 is a big leap
  • DROOLs similar
  • hoping rules we currently have are able to load
  • differences between DROOLs 5 and 8 - spent time on workbench, biggest thing went from packages (lang MVEL) that 5.5 used and they ripped it out - in 8 they componentized everything, each piece can be broken out, there is a cloud native called KOGITO, rules server, but dont think we need it (REST, etc.)
  • file naming convention, lot more, file convention, naming, any file you put in needs .drl.xls - way for drools to understand (explicitly call out)
  • expression lang, MVEL no longer used, componentization of the pieces, just rules
  • KS - latest vers of DROOLS and latest Java to support rules as we have them
  • unless recasting ALL the rules is trivial, never simple "we shall use this vers"
  • think about it piecewise
  • will continue to look into that
  • as far as they are with DROOLs
  • using comparisons to find out how to get rules to run
  •  other updates on internal stat reporting
  • AAIS team doing planning call
  • CO tomorrow to focus on planning to make it a roadmap
  • EP for auto, feels good about it, meet set up with actuaries to go thru EP line by line
  • report looks correct, right columns/rows, kick the tires
  • feeling good about where EP is
  • not quite there yet with homeowners
  • MW working on replicating what was done with auto with HO
  • meeting product team, und differences with how records are recorded and encoded
  • based on policy forms, diff than personal auto 
  • by mid may - pick up extra summer intern



Notes: (Notes taken live in Requirements document)
