2023-07-10 Architecture WG Meeting Notes


ZOOM Meeting Information:

Monday, July 10, 2023, at 11:30am PT/2:30pm ET.

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Meeting ID: 790 499 9331


  • Ken Sayers (AAIS)
  • Josh Hershman (openIDL)
  • Jeff Braswell (openIDL)
  • Peter Antley (AAIS)
  • Ash Naik (AAIS)
  • David Reale (Travelers)
  • Faheem Z (Hanover)
  • Joseph Nibert (AAIS)
  • Tsvetan Georgiev (Senofi)
  • Yanko Zhelyazkov (Senofi)


  • Update on openIDL Testnet/Workshops (SeanB)
  • IWG update (YankoZ)
  • Update on RRDMWG and internal Stat Reporting with openIDL (Peter Antley)
  • AWG Goals:
    • document architecture to identify ingress and egress ports and content
    • identify technologies that cause issues (cognito, ses, postgreSQL)
    • discuss ci/cd technologies and containerization strategies
    • configuration options (SaaS, Multi-Tenant, Split, Whole Enchilada)
  • AOB:


    • Demoing table with multiple filters on OLGA at net AWG
    • Cognito doesn't pass spec with Hartford, would like to find auth service everyone likes
  • AWG Goals
    • Consider setting goals, open questions, using Architecture Decisions to guide it
    • Couple tech components are challenging for diff carriers (Hanover + AWS, Hartford + Cognito)
    • Goal of this team - define arch of the 1.0, does or doesn't take into account these concerns
    • Carriers concerned about whats going in and out of their clouds
      • whats inside, what has to go out, what ports, what do we need to know about ingress and egress points
      • high level doc/diagram to represent it
      • need a doc that clearly answers question
    • One of the more challenging areas to deploy, "Whole Enchilada", installing whole node into carrier cloud - lot of CI/CD and IOC involved
      • while maybe same tools, maybe using open source vers and carriers use enterprise vers, config is an issue
      • seems like there is concern on IAC and CICD tech
      • supporting inside a carrier
      • Configuration options/ deployment options
      • whole enchilada vs split
      • adapter that listens for request for EP and then returns results
      • System as a service approach, everything hosted
      • multi-tenant approach
    • Step back and redefine some things our arch is founded on
    • get diagrams AND OPTion analysis
    • best place to start, goal of arch doc telling what ingress/egress are, ID tech causing issues, CI/CD, config options
    • goals this team could establish and work towards, sense of moving forward and it is time to establish to guide us in our work
    • too much reporting out and not enough moving forward
  • What do we think about setting goals, are these good goals?
    • Point about access is the right thing - multi level/multi layer
    • Cognito vs Olga - a lot of cognito is for AWS space to get access - would OLGA be managed interface for data
    • OLGA as alt to cognito?
    • Validation in OLGA is validating data coming in
    • Cognito logs into OLGA
    • Cognito also for logging into AWS? No that's IAM (services in console), Cognito for app access, services underneath
    • Cognito gets you user access to certain roles, give you access to specific resources
    • On OLGA, going into this, season of building, idea - pretty much cloud agnostic app from user perspective, have button and modal to upload file, no dirext access to AAIS
    • GUI to send files, anything that requires access - app auth
    • intent of looking at OLGA as app to provide access, seems like carrier orgs would have other reasons for access to their AWS spaces
    • Way we will set up Cognito, no auth to do random things for AWS
    • Carriers use other tools than Cognito, not done that they wont allow Cognito at Hartford, but they dont want to, point there - ID tech causing issues, if 20 of them, then that tells you one thing, 4-5 is something else
    • Extra effort to make them abstract, openAPI (like OAuth)
    • OAuth recognized enterprise standards (instead of 20 diff things across carriers)
    • Broader Objective - und diff types of access to services and roles in the scope of what we are doing
      • AWS access: Kub, Fabric, etc.
      • often with access to DB apps, diff people have logins and inside the db there are logins, one of the issues to explore - where creds are verified and where others are group creds
    • Take the 4 configs on the bottom (SaaS, Multi-Tenant, Split, Whole Enchilada) what is in vs out for the carriers cloud?
      • because there is a lot of security, sec teams need to be able to und what is coming in and out
    • Picturing 4 diagrams with some lines that go in and out of the carrier cloud, documenting whats going across
  • Travelers documented pain points
    • retro of some kind on nodebuilder
    • list of places where things are difficult
    • place to get the first level of identifying technologies that cause issues
  • if things like AWS or Cognito cause trouble, this needs to be a pure SaaS offering
    • simple or it doesn't work
    • feels like a more general statement
    • get it defined and why it is like that 
    • "install in your cloud" - not that easy
    • thinks we still have a lot of challenges there, try to bring into a cohesive statement
    • "this is why SaaS makes so much sense"
    • new wrinkle - not old tech, will have bifurcations of Azure vs AWS, OKTA vs ?, so many it will have to be, no stack amenable to more than a few people at any given time
    • gotta be packaged, how to articulate it
    • all have issues
    • even if biz folks on board, still having an internal challenge going to arch org to get an exception
    • so much easier to say "here is a SaaS platform"
  • Goal of ent control of their own data, objective
  • want a variety of diff ways of connecting to a network like system so there is choice (not all or nothing)
  • aggregate makes sense, but any given carrier that optionality isn't a value, only want to do it one way (their way)
  • in theory - over indexing how valuable
  • get to point where all see where risks and probs are
  • first and last bullet - optional footprints, level of ID where ins and outs are
  • meat on these bones, have opinions but need to substantiate them
  • if you are going to be a SaaS offering, who offers it?
  • if standard was established, not single SaaS, implementation diff from deciding how it would happen
    • model has been to have a senofi, chainyard, be avail
    • AAIS and LF dont run infra, build, setup and maintain nodes on behalf of carriers
    • depends which parts of value prop want to maintain
    • standardize SaaS or set of standards?
    • how much of original value prop you want to maintain
  • Pictured the split - a hybrid - everything you dont want in your cloud is SaaS, rest in carrier node (adapter)
  • "why do i trust another entity any more than AAIS, what did I just solve?"
  • AAIS needs to find another model, feeling comfortable with raw data, where trust moves
  • very few times run their own cloud environments for corp data outside of workloads
  • most of the time, when time to productionalize, will be in carrier-owned pub cloud or pure saas offering
  • referring to carrier-owned cloud where IP are helping to maintain, providers with skillsets to make it easier 
  • even though a carrier might use IP, having them work within their cloud infra need to go thru tech governance, security and setup
  • if you dont you are letting them live in their environment
  • doesnt save much to outsource the work b/c still needs to support in their cloud
  • diff ways to access diff services
  • our specific issue for T, looking at it from an Arch perspective, have concerns
  • dont think in the long run they wil be the only ones, more we get ahead and think through, easier to talk to other carriers
  • gonna run into similar issues with other Carriers
  • make it cleaner, dont go with a laundry list, "how to I set this up?" they want a clean answer, SaaS is cleaner
  • need a yardstick, how are we doing convincing a carrier - 


Notes: (Notes taken live in Requirements document)
