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This is a weekly series for The Regulatory Reporting Data Model Working Group. The RRDMWG is a collaborative group of insurers, regulators and other insurance industry innovators dedicated to the development of data models that will support regulatory reporting through an openIDL node. The data models to be developed will reflect a greater synchronization of data for insurer statistical and financial data and a consistent methodology that insurers and regulators can leverage to modernize the data reporting environment. The models developed will be reported to the Regulatory Reporting Steering Committee for approval for publication as an open-source data model.

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I. Introductory Remarks by Mr. Antley

A. Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Statement

B. Greetings to All Participants

II.  Meeting Business - Recap. 

A. We spoke with Hartford and Travelers about their reconciliation processes

B. Big discussion yesterday re: what to do with reconciliation. We fell on the side of trying to do the reconciliation via carriers maintaining stat agent relationships & not engineer automation at this point

C. AWG on Monday: we spoke about HDS and spoke about adapter - the infrastr. that connects carriers' software and data to the blockchain network.

D. Also on Monday: Harmonized Data Store and initial POC and the code that came from IBM. Currently we are using MongoDB, a document storage database. Can store large amounts of Json in a single table design. Mr. Antley: has used Mongo to produce many of our recent reports. Has been somewhat challenging.

E. We made an assumption that Sql is something with which everyone is familiar. Now we're looking at moving toward a Sql data store so that we can use a traditional aggregation metholody. At this point Mr. Antley called for any related questions. (No questions presented)

F. Mr. Antley asked Mr. Harris to talk about what he's been working on

  1. Mr. Harris: Mr. Antley gave him a file of sanitized data w/states of CT and RI for a long period ago. He converted this into what he expected the report to look like based on info in AAIS stat plan
  2. Caveats to this - 3
    1. Comprehensive coverage and add'l coverages beyond this. He treated them as other liability and physical damage, not as part of physical damage
    2. W/i report itself, he excluded other liability and physical damage records
    3. For expediency: only 2 records had assigned risk info, so no adj. made for assigned risk vs. voluntary.
    4. Plans to compare what he feels answers are vis-a-vis what Antley and rest of team produce
  3. Using the MongoDB and JavaScript, Peter took the stat record and wrote some code to produce report using existing infrastructure. Some discrepancies btwn this data and expected values, so Mr. Harris worked out answers using test data set. Comparisons will be done between Antley and Harris's numbers. They will do a deep dive into this.
  4. Mr. Antley will take a look at this on Monday before he leaves on vacation. Then he will be out for two weeks. Decisions need to be made about when this analysis can be scheduled

G. Current Data Set

  1. Mr. Antley met with his internal team that works with the SDMA, data lake and ETL jobs. He has a meeting set up with them for when he returns from holiday. They will run whole test data set through legacy system and produce expected values from that.
  2. They will have three sets of values: Dale's (Excel), legacy system values, and values from new system Mr. Antley implemented. Peter will do some analysis and work on debugging.

H. Progress on Extraction

  1. Mr. Antley did some initial comparisons and checksums and some of the records loaded didn't make it all the way through. It became apparent why there were numeric discrepancies. Further conversation with Mr. Harris will help clarify why.
  2. DE team has been fully onboarded. One connection issue - an hour to work this out later today. They are starting to learn the code. 
  3. When this meeting resumes after a two week hiatus, they will go over the gap analysis (10/14/22), difference in numbers etc. 

III. Concluding Remarks

A. Mr. Antley noted that this meeting will be suspended for the following two Fridays in light of a personal matter, and will resume on Fri. 10/14. 

B. Mr. Antley formally adjourned the meeting at 1:18pm EST.

Discussion items


Action items

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