2023-07-26 Meeting Agenda
Josh Hershman
Jenny Tornquist
Greg Williams
Matt Hinds-Aldrich
Patti Norton-Gatto
Michael Payne
Hicham Bourjali
Kelly Pratt
Joseph Nibert
Mike Nurse
Reggie Scarpa
Susan Chudwick
I. Introductory matters - Peter Antley (Welcome, LF antitrust statement)
II. Welcome & introduction by new openIDL ED Josh Hershman
A. Introduction to Josh and his background as ED/focus on effectively meeting members' interests - active steps openIDL can take
B. Brief overview of NE Cat POC
- PoC in a region where the carriers have many covered individuals/policies in place is of noted importance to the members
- Everyone settled on the idea of doing a Northeast catastrophe event Proof of Concept
- It will follow a similar path to the Mississippi Proof of Concept surrounding Hurricane Zeta
- Josh has since been able to get most of regulators in Northeast NAIC Zone except for DC willing to participate
- The team is working on the members to make sure each of them is in a position to effectively run the PoC
- Data standards work for this PoC should start in the next couple of weeks.
- Aggressive timeline for project - starts at the end of August and ends in mid-November.
- Peter referenced the data standard that he used for Mississippi as pertinent, however the decision was made not to go into more detail on the NE Cat PoC.
III. Recap of RRDMWG Work - Peter Antley
A. Recent focus has been on claims data; the stat records discussed for homeowners and personal lines cover 99% of the data needed for this data call. The plan does not require the use of sparsely populated records.
B. Peter has detailed instructions on what fields will actually be used; the team will display this and discuss it at a later time.
C. Chief focus today - implementation of OLGA (openIDL loading graphical application)
- Moving some of developers around
- Working on the ability to ingest all the stat lines that AAIS covers
- Majority between the commercial and personal lines
- A couple of smaller lines (boat owners, artisan glass, etc.)
- All developers will be moved into OLGA to get it out the door
- Work will be done with the rules engine, and showcasing the errors generated from the rules engine
- Joseph has been working on the PoCs with the various UI components.
- Peter has been working on loading the HDS; expects to finish the load today
- Once the team can take data and load it they will work on surfacing the data
- Today, Joseph will showcase the UI; they hardcoded the data in the format anticipated from the APIs, but the APIs haven't been built in a production manner. This will be reviewed next week
- Peter is working with the actuary team; next week the team will get back to extraction pattern development. As the rest of the team moves into a focus on OLGA, Peter will focus on the extraction pattern. He's in the process of determining how he he wants to handle this.
- Will likely use the calculations developed in spring and summer 2022
- Will also work to replicate the way stat processing is done at AAIS
- This involves taking sample data and putting it through legacy system, also new system, and hopefully producing same answer
D. Joseph Nibert - showcase of his work - for error correction
- Ran through table display
- Also touched/ran through on multi-filter and provided active working examples
- Now able to do all multi-column filtering done by drop-downs (but also do-able via editing) - met prior requests/needs of meeting attendees.
- For the ones with 9-20 codes the drop downs make more sense.
- For most lines errors are at a minimum. But drop-downs will be auto-populated for different lines, don't need to be "programmed."
- Editing more useful for the lines with countless numbers of codes.
- Also possible to run a range component (e.g,. 'between 1000-2000')
- AAIS taking input on filtrations from carriers - will provide whatever options are most valuable for filtering.
- AAIS - library that is being worked on is also pushing out an update. There is a known bug where inline editing isn't consistently working, this needs to be ironed out.
- Still possible to change multiple values at a time
- The need has arisen to blank out key coverage codes; AAIS can build this feature in.
- On roadmap for AAIS: using checkboxes to handle multiple error corrections/updates at one time.
This is a weekly series for The Regulatory Reporting Data Model Working Group. The RRDMWG is a collaborative group of insurers, regulators and other insurance industry innovators dedicated to the development of data models that will support regulatory reporting through an openIDL node. The data models to be developed will reflect a greater synchronization of data for insurer statistical and financial data and a consistent methodology that insurers and regulators can leverage to modernize the data reporting environment. The models developed will be reported to the Regulatory Reporting Steering Committee for approval for publication as an open-source data model.
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