2022-11-04 Meeting Agenda



This is a weekly series for The Regulatory Reporting Data Model Working Group. The RRDMWG is a collaborative group of insurers, regulators and other insurance industry innovators dedicated to the development of data models that will support regulatory reporting through an openIDL node. The data models to be developed will reflect a greater synchronization of data for insurer statistical and financial data and a consistent methodology that insurers and regulators can leverage to modernize the data reporting environment. The models developed will be reported to the Regulatory Reporting Steering Committee for approval for publication as an open-source data model.

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I. Introductory Comments

A. Mr. Antley read anti-trust statement from LF

B. Welcome to attendees

II. Agenda

A. Recap on AWG/Spike POCs

  1. Working on validations 
  2. Tables created about 2 weeks ago
  3. This week we created an API that exposes HDS data - looking at how it will work
  4. Developed a pattern for sending a query string across (SQL, keywords) - extraction pattern created
  5. Mr. Antley ran a sample extraction pattern using a test script and demonstrated it before the group - A demo. 
    1. Ran through input strings (EP, Car Years, Incurred Count/Loss, Etc.)
    2. We are looking at enlisting pre-built functionalities 
    3. Mr. Madison: noted that we have a SQL problem as we run info through the internet. Give a query and return a table is the fundamental pattern. Transformation into a table. 
      1. One of questions for day: what would folks in business role want to obtain from POC? (posed to attendees)
      2. Ken Sayers: end-to-end data transfer - question: will this be acceptable in carrier clouds? And what is the business value?
  6. Mr. Antley: more about the demo will be discussed on Monday

B. Mr. Antley Senofi - ran through demos this week with Antley - they plan to show PA how to write and read to the test net chain. 

C. Looking ahead: how does HL Fabric fit into the architecture? How does it work with what we just saw? (KS: This is the next item on the AWG agenda)

D. POC scope - Ken Sayers

  1. We need to restate POC scope from the perspective of business - is this a sound approach, is it agreeable to people who will use it, etc.?
  2. KS: ran through functional requirements of POC - we want to keep an eye on the scope and make sure we're proving everything that we need to in the Proof of Concept.
  3. On a high level: generate the report and it reconciles/matches expected
  4. Where does the data reside and what happens along the way to the report
  5. Multiple sources/pull the data/create the report
  6. KS pointed to the need to re-vet the requirements one by one - and noted that it is not limited to POC. DH: some of these requirements may be expendable.
  7. KS: suggested creating a side table that can be updated by the group with accompanying comments. Approx time frame: 


Discussion items


Action items
