2023-04-21 Meeting Agenda



Nathan Southern

Peter Antley 

Jefferson Braswell 

Sean Bohan 

Brian Mills

Jenny Tornquist

Dale Harris 

Susan Young

Joseph Nibert

Greg Williams 

Chudwick, Susan R 

Hicham Bourjali

This is a weekly series for The Regulatory Reporting Data Model Working Group. The RRDMWG is a collaborative group of insurers, regulators and other insurance industry innovators dedicated to the development of data models that will support regulatory reporting through an openIDL node. The data models to be developed will reflect a greater synchronization of data for insurer statistical and financial data and a consistent methodology that insurers and regulators can leverage to modernize the data reporting environment. The models developed will be reported to the Regulatory Reporting Steering Committee for approval for publication as an open-source data model.

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I. Introductory Comments - LF AntiTrust Policy & Welcome to Attendees - Peter Antley

II. Recap - Peter Antley

A. AAIS team - has been doing intensive quarterly planning a/w longer-term planning for the year. Results:

  1. Planned around 100 story points for openIDL in the next qtr. - 100 days of work w/2 people 
  2. Split resources btwn 3 teams in the next qtr. 
    1. first - HDS team - implementing data standards into hds. decoding stat plans, etc. Mason, + another intern (Aryan?) + Peter
    2. second -  data standards - addl lines insurance + making updates. this is the rrdmwg friday team
    3. third - olga team - building OLGA openIDL loading graphical application - nibbert, antley + others. Peter will be working on the SDMA portion, the others on implementation
  3. Peter - roadmaps will be finalized and shared with the group for a more structured plan of what is to come.

B. Working threads

  1. Personal auto data standard - Peter and Jenny - draft delivered on 4/28/23.
  2. Personal auto extraction pattern - in QA and test - Peter will validate implementation with actuaries
  3. Scripts that control tables - tables are also created and in QA - have been refined extensively. Documentation will be pulled together and the content more fully validated. This is progressing well.
  4. Updates to current stat plan - done internally w/aais but also with data standards team. JT: has gone through iteration on homeowners for update recommendations. This is underway; they will begin looking at personal auto line shortly. Synching up with personal standards baseline - looking at ratemaking enhancements and will invite external stakehold input.
    1. A couple of fields missing per participant comments - coverages, e.g., no annual statement line of business and no subcoverages. (Susan noted this - concerned because it impacts financial reconciliation at the end of the year
    2. Jen verified that this feedback has been captured and will be taken into account.
    3. Another concern raised: what has to happen in production relative to fields needed on stat plan and systems. Crossover between this and openIDL build out? Related to present issues in SDMA?  Are changes being made to SDMA production? Jen verified that these have been submitted in a ticket and this has been brought to her attention.
    4. Peter and Joseph verified no changes/deployments yet to SDMA so this is not related to any work on his team, so not related but worth acknowledging.
  5. Dale recommended that a transaction code be added for incurred loss - this would make statistical reporting easier.
  6. Next week - more roadmaps forthcoming from Peter. Additional discussion will take place on changes to implement to avoid losing time in the future. Peter will pull together all the notes that he has and review a week from today.

C. Logistics - Peter again proposed moving meeting to Wed. - this will be decided next week.

Discussion items


Action items
