OIDS Work Group - 10/10/24
Meeting Participants
Jim Bamberger (AAIS)
Sean Bohan (The Linux Foundation)
Jeff Braswell (openIDL)
Rob Clark (Cloverleaf Analytics)
Josh Hershman (openIDL)
Cory Isaacson (reThought Insurance)
Andy Mielke (AAIS)
Catherine Myers (reThought Insurance)
Michael Payne (AAIS)
Michael Schwabrow (Cloverleaf Analytics)
Michael Sullivan (AAIS)
Jennifer Tornquist (AAIS)
Greg Williams (AAIS)
Group lead Jennifer Tornquist presented the following agenda for the meeting, as previously issued via email:
Follow up on action items from last meeting
Discuss LF role in Governance and change management
CLA & AAIS POC update
High level visual of the Current vs Future state (see attached Lucid chart link):
Action Item Follow Ups
Jenny began with a quick recap/follow up on the action items presented in last week’s meeting. Specifically:
Sean Bohan - set up a meeting between the Cloverleaf representatives and Linux Foundation attorneys to discuss the logistics and implications of open sourcing their data model. - This is not yet done as Sean’s legal contact is on holiday, but he will follow up today - see action items below.
Cloverleaf Team - Consult with your internal legal representation to request a letter stating that you independently developed your model without relying on other sources; share this, in turn, with AAIS. - This is in process - their attorney will write an attorney stating Cloverleaf doesn’t use anything proprietary to Accord - forthcoming. See action items below.
Sean Bohan and Nathan Southern - Set up editable Atlassian wiki page for OIDS working group. - Basic work is done but Sean will do additional housekeeping over the next week or so. See action items below.
LF Role in Governance and Change Management
Sean Bohan spoke to openIDL’s uniqueness in the LF ecosystem - in this sense: it is not simply a code base but also a network of nodes based on the original Hyperledger Fabric Codebase that became the openIDL code base with various customizations. The Linux Foundation is invested in keeping the network up and running for the benefit of the community.
From a code governance perspective: anyone can file a pull request and contribute to the code base; the maintainers oversee the pull requests and can either accept or reject those requests. The next level above this is operating the network; Sean Bohan and Jeff Braswell are in charge of this, working for ED Josh Hershman. When a partner wants to add a node to the network, Sean and Jeff oversee that. The processes for pull requests, DCOs, signoffs, etc., are documented on the openIDL wiki; processes have also been put in place for node addition/incorporation.
Key question raised by the group: Once a standard is published by this work group, what is the governance process surrounding that standard? - White paper, training material, reference guides, etc.
Answer: the staff of openIDL will pull all of these materials together and organize the process. Leadership can also talk to people at Linux Foundation who are well versed in standards and glean wisdom on best practices from them.
It is possible that this workgroup effort may transition into a Joint Development program through Linux Foundation’s JDF Group.
For now, additional work needs to be done on the mapping, and on Cloverleaf’s IP contributions; then more formal work can begin. The transition to JDF would likely coincide with more carriers getting involved.
Sean stressed that the most important priority for openIDL in this process is transparency regarding how it reached a point of standards development.
White Paper Discussion - Moving Forward
It was noted that a white paper is a key milestone on the road to full standards development, and it was asked how this would come about; Sean suggested that a white paper subgroup could be created as a task force associated with this working group, led by 1-2 people, with agenda setting; someone from the community needs to lead this effort, and it needs participating volunteers.
Josh suggested that the team leverage the scope of this working group as the goals and objectives of the white paper and recruit volunteers to lead the development of this paper - and this could all be done in an email context. See action items below. The goal is, by the next meeting on 10/24, to have the subgroup’s objectives clear and two people ready to lead development of the paper.
This subgroup should then start working on an outline, to outline goals, priorities, target objectives, etc. for that group.
Cloverleaf Analytics & AAIS POC update
The group is meeting tomorrow and Cloverleaf will present there. An update will be presented at the next working group.
High level visual of the Current vs Future state:
The AAIS team created this Lucid Chart of the Current State at AAIS vs. the Future State of the Industry:
AAIS also created this illustration of how the data comes in through stat plans now and goes through their system:
The “Carrier Report Summary Tables” above hold the basic carrier data; a report emerges from that and in turn gets sent to regulators.
It was requested that the above charts be revised; the data associated with each stage of the flowchart needs to be added for the purposes of clarification. (See action items below). It may also help to attach a tangible example to each stage of the flow chart, for illustrative purposes.
Action Items 10/10
Sean Bohan - set up a meeting between the Cloverleaf representatives and Linux Foundation attorneys to discuss the logistics and implications of open sourcing their data model.
Cloverleaf Team - Forward the letter from Cloverleaf legal when it is avail indicating no use of Accord proprietary IP.
Sean Bohan - Additional minor housekeeping on working group’s Atlassian wiki page.
Sean: Talk to others in the Linux Foundation to get some expertise on Best Practices for Standards Development.
Sean and Josh - Email the working group and parlay the goals of this group into objectives for a standards white paper; also draw on the email to recruit volunteers to lead the white paper task force effort.
AAIS Team: Revise lucidchart flowcharts by adding a data format to each stage of the chart for the purposes of clarification. Also - and per Cloverleaf’s suggestion - add a validation step in between the cloud and the ETL.
AAIS Team: Also revise the lucidchart flowchart ‘Current State at AAIS’ to further clarify ‘AAIS Stat Plan’ and what this signifies.