OIDS Work Group - 10/24/24
In attendance:
Peter Antley (AAIS)
James Bamberger (AAIS)
Sean Bohan (The Linux Foundation)
Jeff Braswell (openIDL)
Rob Clark (Cloverleaf Analytics)
Josh Hershman (openIDL)
Cory Isaacson (reThought Insurance)
Lanaya Nelson (openIDL)
Michael Payne (AAIS)
Andy Regis (AAIS)
Ken Sayers (AAIS)
Michael Schwabrow (Cloverleaf Analytics)
Nathan Southern (openIDL)
Michael Sullivan (AAIS)
Jennifer Tornquist (AAIS)
Dickie Whitaker (OasisLMF)
Greg Williams (AAIS)
Meeting Summary
Opening Remarks
Jennifer Tornquist (JT) opened the meeting by welcoming attendees and acknowledging the Linux Foundation Antitrust Statement.
JT presented the following high-level agenda for this discussion:
Review action Items from 10/10
White Paper team update
Feedback on the REVISED Lucid Chart
Update on the CLA POC & review POC Phases
Action Items Review from October 10th
JT and group reviewed the following action items from the last session and provided updates:
a. Sean Bohan - set up a meeting between the Cloverleaf representatives and Linux Foundation attorneys to discuss the logistics and implications of open sourcing their data model.
Sean Bohan (SB) is still working on arranging a meeting with the legal team at the Linux Foundation (carryover to the new action items, below)
b. Sean Bohan: Talk to others in the Linux Foundation to get some expertise on Best Practices for Standards Development.
SB did hear back from the JDF standards organization at LF, which shared with him several resources including a precourse for effective meetings and a workbook/Getting Started Guide for consensus-driven standards. The Best Practices document can be accessed here:
Summary of the JDF feedback: standards are all built on a bedrock of consensus building but not (necessarily) voting.
b. Cloverleaf Team - Forward the letter from Cloverleaf legal when it is avail indicating no use of Accord proprietary IP.
AAIS received a letter from Michael Schwabrow at AAIS indicating that everything is free and clear (there is no Accord proprietary IP used); the physical documentation is forthcoming but is being revised to indicate that Cloverleaf doesn’t use anyone’s intellectual property ,and re-reviewed by the legal team.
c. Sean Bohan - Additional minor housekeeping on working group’s Atlassian wiki page.
This is done; SB also reviewed and updated the wiki permissions and included everyone on the OIDS mailing list; anyone in the group has now received invites to the wiki.
e. Sean and Josh - Email the working group and parlay the goals of this group into objectives for a standards white paper; also draw on the email to recruit volunteers to lead the white paper task force effort.
Peter is leading this effort; he has a premeeting with Leona and possibly Cory scheduled for tomorrow. More updates on this are forthcoming after that meeting. They will develop an outline and pull people into the effort along the way as needed; after the outline is produced they will make sure it aligns with what the OIDS group is thinking.
f. AAIS Team: Revise lucidchart flowcharts by adding a data format to each stage of the chart for the purposes of clarification. Also - and per Cloverleaf’s suggestion - add a validation step in between the cloud and the ETL. Also revise the lucidchart flowchart ‘Current State at AAIS’ to further clarify ‘AAIS Stat Plan’ and what this signifies.
Peter did most of this editing and shared his screen/the material he created:
PA systematically reviewed the above diagrams, contrasting the current means of processing stat/plans data with what AAIS envisions as the future state of the industry. The overall key to the above transformation lies in the orange cloud in the bottom row; data will be ported into the Cloverleaf Data Format file in the OIDS standard (OIDS Transmission Data Format) and then guided into the above submission portal where it runs through the appropriate validation checks.
New Action Items - from 10/24/24
Sean Bohan - arrange a meeting with the legal team at the Linux Foundation.
Cloverleaf Team: Forward the disclaimer letter from your legal team to the group once it is revised and re-reviewed by the legal team (ETA: next Monday or Tuesday)
OIDS working group members: if you want an invite to the wiki and have not received one, contact Sean Bohan - sbohan@linuxfoundation.org.
Peter Antley: Produce white paper outline before the next meeting; bring back to group on 11/7 for collective review.