OIDS Work Group - 12/5/24
Peter Antley
James Bamberger
Sean Bohan
Jeff Braswell
Amanda Brine
Rob Clark
Josh Hershman
Cory Isaacson
Catherine Myers
Lanaya Nelson
Mike Puchner
Andrew Regis
Nathan Southern
Michael Sullivan
Jennifer Tornquist
Greg Williams
12/5 Open IDS Working Team Meeting Agenda
Opening Remarks/Agenda - Antitrust statement - Jenny
Follow up on 11/21 meeting action items – Jenny – SEE BELOW
Status and plan on:
Data flow model diagram - Peter
White Paper status and plan - Peter
Status of the CLA POCs – Jenny/Cory
Opening Logistics & Introductory Comments
Jenny Tornquist (JT) began by acknowledging the Linux Foundation Antitrust Statement.
Follow Ups on Action Items
1. AAIS Team:
Send AAIS Auto Stat plan for phase 2 use case to Michael Schwabrow at Cloverleaf. – DONE sent on 11/18
Set up training on the Cloverleaf Data Model for early December. – this sits with CLA, move up for Action item for Rob.
Send prepared dataset for phase 2 use case to Michael Schwabrow at Cloverleaf – this will be AFTER the AAIS training is scheduled.
Provide Cloverleaf with a demo of SDMA System – targeting later in December.
Outcomes: Yesterday 12/5, the Cloverleaf team and the AAIS team had 2-hour high-level kickoff training, and AAIS was able to access the front end of the Cloverleaf systems and through the pyramid hub. AAIS is in the process of getting access to the ETL hub through Informatica; this is in progress.
AAIS is setting up follow-up meetings next week to establish a regular cadence - and will focus in the short term on how to process the Proof-of-Concept Phase 2.
The next phase that AAIS is doing is a ratemaking report for the auto line of business in the State of New York. AAIS will provide Cloverleaf with the data, and they will put everything together live per the prior New Jersey homeowner’s report. James Bamberger (JB) indicated that he would provide Rob Clark (RC) with the data.
Peter Antley:
Add “vendor” in between each of the Carrier P&C systems and the OIDS format in the future state diagram (See action items below).
In revisions of Future State diagram, and per Cory Isaacson’s request, make sure that the diagram includes examples of carriers and stat agents that need the data mapped, and ones that do not. (A few of each please). Vendors as well.
Also add validation mechanisms for sending and receiving to Future State diagram.
Start developing a progressively more detailed outline with some key bullet points to lay the groundwork for the OIDS white paper, working from your initial sales pitch. Focus on justification for our plans and plan to workshop it with the group.
Outcomes: The last white paper meeting took place on Mon. 12/2/24. A couple of tweaks were made to the diagram, but next Peter needs to draft a basic outline for the paper. (See action items, below).
3. Lanaya Nelson - Marketing
Finish GTM/BizDev and marketing plan for promoting OIDS - connect with Cloverleaf, AAIS and reThought marketing teams and get their input and direction on this in a joint meeting with all three teams. Work out how to drive OIDS forward - market and publicize it and introduce the working standard/prototype to the industry. Target first week of December.
Outcomes: Lanaya (LN) reached out to Werner Kruck (AAIS), Cory Isaacson (reThought) and Michael Schwabrow (Cloverleaf) last week, and then sent out a preliminary Go to Market proposal in addition to a biz dev outreach strategy - per the agreement in the last OIDS meeting.
The outstanding question: Does it make sense for this OIDS group to be reviewing, questioning and putting together the marketing strategy? Or would it make more sense for the individual stakeholder organizations to designate marketing people, work with Lanaya, and then report into this group?
Cory (CI) proposed keeping marketing discussions in the regular biweekly OIDS call to avoid setting up another group and adding yet another series of meetings. AAIS (Ken Sayers) concurred with this and indicated that the working group can be used for the development of marketing strategy, and that the work cultivated here can then be taken to offline stakeholders including Werner Kruck.
Brief Discussion of Go To Market Strategy (2 Page Document)
LN then shared and discussed her two-page document that she issued via email on 12/4/24 and reviewed the following content, which covers Month 1 (Dec. '24) through Month 4 (Mar. '24):
LN also presented the following (more granular) BizDev & Marketing Strategy:
LN noted that she also made a Master CRM so that the group has a live doc, as well as an openIDL/IDS Folder with pertinent documents in it.
LN also recently met with Michael Schwabrow (MS) separately to spitball marketing ideas - webinars, videos, and who will own what.
JS however stressed that the group can’t get out in front of marketing until it has concrete deliverables- namely, the white paper and the mapping that is being done - to push. The idea with marketing is to get lined up, so that when the white paper and mapping are done, the team can hit the ground running.
Though openIDL will be leading this, each participating stakeholder has a slightly different perspective/will be looking at this from a slightly different angle, and those dovetailing perspectives will enrich the effort.
CI asked about a specific list of webinars (Bordereau et. al.) and LN suggested that members of the group email ideas to her.
Ken Sayers (KS) stressed that we’re looking to tell three different stories within our marketing campaigns: the overall story, the bordereau story, and the stat reporting story. JH fully agreed but suggested that it might even go beyond three stories.
CI: by having a list of pieces of marketing content, with owners assigned to each deliverable, it’s assured that everything will get done.
4. Nathan Southern:
Escalate ticket on IP request to LF legal regarding the donation and open sourcing of Cloverleaf’s data model.
Sean Bohan:
If no response from LF Legal about the open sourcing/IP donation of Cloverleaf’s data model, reach out to the CTO of LT Decentralized Trust for assistance.
LF Legal actually did respond to this, presented no objections to Cloverleaf’s IP Disclaimer letter. The CTO of LF Decentralized Trust and the Chief Legal Counsel of Linux Foundation have each offered their availability to set up a meeting to discuss any pertinent licensing issues.
Takeaways - 12/5/24
Marketing strategy will be worked out in this group, and then taken offsite for input to external stakeholders (e.g., Werner at AAIS) who will weigh in.
All tangible marketing efforts should not get ahead of the white paper or the mapping as concrete deliverables - so that the efforts have something tangible to push. However, the marketing strategy can and should be decided on right now to avoid losing time.
A list should be created of marketing artifacts with assigned owners from different representative companies per Cory’s fine suggestion. Lanaya should push exceptionally hard on this.
Name Change Discussion
JH stressed that OIDS will remain the working group name, but a broader rebrand has been tabled for the project as a whole - for now it will remain openIDL.
JH suggested - instead of a full rebrand - creating a subpage like openIDL.org/openids. The group needs to discuss this and decide on it collectively.
Action Items - 12/5/24
AAIS Team - Set up additional follow-up meetings with the Cloverleaf team to extend the cadence of the discussions - most immediately on how to process the POC Phase 2.
Jim Bamberger: Get data from auto ratemaking report to Rob Clark.
Peter Antley: Draft basic outline for the white paper as agreed on in the white paper meeting on Mon. 12/2.
Lanaya: Email everyone in the OIDS call the initial marketing documents.
Lanaya: In the next week email everyone a proposed outline for a marketing campaign.
Member Company Representatives who have specific ideas or requests for webinars should email them to Lanaya Nelson lnelson@openidl.org. Lanaya will then coordinate and time the campaigns.
Group Participants: Follow up marketing discussion in next OIDS meeting on 12/19/24.