OIDS Work Group - 11/7/24


Peter Antley

James Bamberger

Jeff Braswell

Amanda Brine

Robert Clark

Josh Hershman

Cory Isaacson

Andy Mielke

Lanaya Nelson

Michael Puchner

Michael Schwabrow

Nathan Southern

Jennifer Tornquist

Greg Williams


I. Opening Remarks/Agenda

Jennifer Tornquist (JT) displayed and acknowledged the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy and welcomed attendees, then displayed the following agenda:

  1. Update/status on action Items - from 10/24/24 meeting

  • Sean Bohan - arrange a meeting with the legal team at the Linux Foundation.

  • Cloverleaf Team: Forward the disclaimer letter from your legal team to the group once it is revised and re-reviewed by the legal team (ETA: next Monday or Tuesday)

  • OIDS working group members: if you want an invite to the wiki and have not received one, contact Sean Bohan - sbohan@linuxfoundation.org.

  • Peter Antley: Produce white paper outline before the next meeting; bring back to group on 11/7 for collective review.  (This action item was subsequently revised to address the Data Flow Diagram first)

  1. Updates to Open IDS Data Flow Diagram (Lucid Chart) – Peter– collective review

  2. Next steps for White Paper task force - who is on this task force (a rep from all key stakeholders) & schedule regular meeting time. Suggested draft deliverable due date  (mid Dec?) -  Peter/Andy M/Corey/Lanaya/Rob/Others?

  3. Quick update on CLA POCs – 

    1. AAIS (Reg Reporting) - Jenny

    2. reThought (Bordereaux Reporting) - Corey

II. Update/status on action Items - from 10/24/24 meeting

JT inquired about the status of the legal work that is ongoing with the Linux Foundation - some of which is related to IP contribution, and some of which is related to trademark registrations and rebranding; these discussions are ongoing and more news will be issued soon.

Sean Bohan has been in touch with the legal team about the IP component.

On this note, Rob Clark (RC) noted that the Cloverleaf team has been working on the disclaimer letter that was requested; affidavits were signed and research has been done, and this letter should be available by the end of the day; RD will forward it along when he receives it.

Regarding the white paper: the group previously voted to put this on hold and to give precedence to work on the data flow diagram.

Review of the Data Flow Diagram/Lucid Chart - Peter Antley

The goals of the meeting today are as follows:

-To review this lucid chart and arrive at a consensus about the contents

-To reach a consensus about who will be on the White Paper task force, get a meeting time scheduled for that core team

-To do a quick update on the ongoing Proofs of Concept

Peter Antley (PA) then shared the current Lucid Chart as follows:

Screenshot 2024-11-08 at 12.05.37 PM.png

PA made the following high level points:

  • The above chart - revised from a previous version - is still a work in progress.

  • In the process of revising, PA raised the question of whether the white paper is about the Open IDS data standard on its own, or the Open IDS data standard with a case study around using it for stat reporting and in conjunction with the Cloverleaf work; PA feels that the latter is more pertinent.

  • He cleaned up the lucid chart per the above to focus on where the data standard is relevant. The addition of the stat agent work, while nominally correct, risks obscuring the question of where the data standard will fit in (this stat agent work happens further downstream).

  • With this in mind, the Stat Agents have been retained in the multiple examples illustrated above, but moved to the end of the process in each case.

  • These examples all depict Current State.

  • Future state is pictured as follows:


  • Screenshot 2024-11-08 at 12.48.40 PM.png

  • The questions of Why does the OpenIDS data standard make sense and where do we see efficiencies from it yielded the following diagram:


In this model, the carrier takes data and receives data from the OIDS Transmission Data Format. They can use the OIDS format to submit data to a stat agent. They may work with an analytics partner, where they transmit data to the partner and the partner transmits the data back. The same would apply to a business parter.

PA wants to add more use cases to the above diagram - so that we can show that the carrier can put their P&C data into this data format. It raises the question of Where are all the places and mechanisms they might use to transfer the data?

Currently, the data will be received in the OIDS format and then transformed into whatever format the DOI is asking for - .pdf, excel spreadsheet, etc. In other words: one input standard and multiple output standards. Diagramatically, it will mean many boxes on the right, the OIDS standard in the middle, and this will make it simpler (clearer) for everybody.

In turn, the first diagram (above) with the different formats - benefits from being more complex and comprehensive (and “messy”).

-Note: all the different levels of validation checks have been removed from this diagram but still apply and are pictured below - it makes sense not to lose track of these - they were omitted from the white paper to help it maintain the proper focus.


It is predicted that in the ETL process the validation checks will become less “manual” but no less present or critical.

The question was raised about different use cases that could potentially be applied to Diagram 2, above. PA suggested that the white paper task force take up this subject.

Cory Isaacson (CI) suggested that we either make the white paper the two use cases or about OIDS itself, although the use cases are critically helpful in terms of understanding and answering the questions: why would AAIS want to do this? Why would carriers want to do this? Etc.

It was also suggested that PA revise the Current State diagram to include different use cases - for instance, what the carrier is doing with their business partner, analytics partner, etc.

PA argued that enlisting a universal transmission format will make the stat market more competitive. The key in moving forward will showing (diagramatically) in the Current State diagram how to get everyone over the hurdle of data format transformation - and how much this simplifies the process and gets all carriers on the same page. The white paper should highlight this, but the flowchart should show it. The white paper should be built around the flowchart.

Discussion of Who Will Be on the White Paper Task Force/Scheduling a Regular Meeting Time

PA is comfortable writing the paper itself - but needs help with feedback on getting the diagrams correct. Then CI will help PA outlining and prepping where the paper is going. Then Peter will write the paper itself.

Jenny Tornquist (JT) suggested - for the task force - a representative from each of the key players. From AAIS: PA as a principal and Andy Mielke (AM) as a second in command; CI as the reThought representative; Lanaya Nelson (LN) as the Linux Foundation representative; and Rob Clark (RC) from Cloverleaf.

Wrt scheduling, the group agreed to coordinate this (led by Peter) via an email thread.

Update on POCs

AAIS has been working with Rob’s team, drilling down on acceptance criteria, and identifying differences in the reports. They are getting very close. They are comparing earnings calculations formulas at present.

Wrt the reThought Bordereau POC, they just received the necessary files yesterday from Catherine Myers; an email with additional steps will be sent out later today.

Action Items

LF leadership team: continue discussions with Linux Foundation Legal about trademark and rebranding of openIDL as Open IDS.

Rob Clark: forward Cloverleaf IP disclaimer letter to openIDL leadership and to AAIS leadership when it is finished. Each party will forward it to their legal team for review. Cloverleaf will be looped in with any legal questions that arise from the Linux Foundation and/or AAIS.

Group Members who do not have access to the group wiki, please contact Sean Bohan for access.

Peter Antley: Work on establishing a schedule and cadence and attendee/invitee list for the White Paper Task Force Group.

White Paper Task Force Group: Take up the subject of additional use cases on Peter’s ‘Current State’ diagram.

Peter Antley - revise the Current State diagram to include different use cases - for instance, what the carrier is doing with their business partner, analytics partner, etc. and also to show how this process gets everyone past the hurdle of data transformation into a universal shared format.

Michael Schwabrow: Get email out to the Cloverleaf team later today with next steps on the Bordereau POC.