OIDS Work Group - 11/21/24
Peter Antley
James Bamberger
Sean Bohan
Jeff Braswell
Josh Hershman
Cory Isaacson
Andy Mielke
Catherine Myers
Lanaya Nelson
Michael Puchn
Andrew Regis
Ken Sayers
Michael Schwabrow
Nathan Southern
Michael Sullivan
Jennifer Tornquist
Greg Williams
I. Opening Remarks/Agenda
Jennifer Tornquist (JT) opened the meeting, acknowledged the LF Antitrust Policy and presented the following agenda for the session:
Agenda for 11/21 OIDS WG meeting:
Follow up on 11/7 meeting action items – Jenny – SEE BELOW
CLA Data Model Legal letter – any issues from WG members?
Group acceptance of revised Data flow model diagram – Peter/Cory/WG
White paper status/plan – Peter/Cory
Status of the CLA POCs – Jenny/Cory
11/7 Meeting Action Items - Recap & In-Meeting Follow Up
LF leadership team: continue discussions with Linux Foundation Legal about trademark and rebranding of openIDL as Open IDS. - With respect to this, Josh Hershman (JH) indicated that the rebrand/rename of openIDL as openIDS is on pause. Leadership spoke with AAIS CEO/openIDL Treasurer Werner Kruck this week, and informed him of potential complications involving the ‘openIDS’ name. The decision was made to suspend rebranding for now given the effort involved, and return to branding and fleshing out the use case.
Rob Clark: forward Cloverleaf IP disclaimer letter to openIDL leadership and to AAIS leadership when it is finished. Each party will forward it to their legal team for review. Cloverleaf will be looped in with any legal questions that arise from the Linux Foundation and/or AAIS. Nathan Southern (NS) indicated that this was submitted to Linux Foundation legal on Nov. 15th and the legal team has not yet responded, but he anticipates no objections or complications from LF. JT anticipates no objection or complications from AAIS’s end. After clearing the initial letter, the Linux Foundation for its part will then advise the project on the process and viability of accepting the Cloverleaf data model and open sourcing it. JH anticipates our having a “go forward” strategy before year’s end.
Group Members who do not have access to the group wiki, please contact Sean Bohan for access.
Michael Schwabrow: Get email out to the Cloverleaf team later today with next steps on the Bordereau POC.
Peter Antley: Work on establishing a schedule and cadence and attendee/invitee list for the White Paper Task Force Group. - DONE
White Paper Task Force Group: Take up the subject of additional use cases on Peter’s ‘Current State’ diagram.
Peter Antley - revise the Current State diagram to include different use cases - for instance, what the carrier is doing with their business partner, analytics partner, etc. and also to show how this process gets everyone past the hurdle of data transformation into a universal shared format.
JT then drew the conversation to the last three items on the above list and stressed that one of the central agreed-upon objectives of today’s session is to get broad buy-in from Peter’s evolving dataflow model diagram.
Peter Antley - Dataflow Model Diagram
Peter Antley (PA) presented the following updated diagram - a larger version can be accessed here
PA noted per this illustration that he changed things up a bit and is now focused on illustrating the benefits of the new data standard.
The above diagram represents a very small company in the Current State
The schema includes a policy administration system, a claims system, and four different consumers out to the sides (DOIs, Stat Agents, Business Partners, etc.)
For everyone who is consuming data, data engineering (represented by the dotted lines above) has to do that much more intricate processing from the source systems; the consumer support team will then take the data, validate it, make sure it matches the spec/format that the consumer needs it to be in, etc.
For every one of these processes, you’re extracting the data, validating the data, mapping/transforming the data to the stat plan format, and submitting the data to the stat agent.
You do this in repetition for everyone who is consuming data from you.
This becomes even more work with multiple policy administration systems, as pictured below. This creates significantly more work. Here, you have three different policy admin systems, three different claim systems - effectively three different companies all working as one group. The entire process of data collection, extraction and transformation needs to be repeated per line, per request, per consumer - which adds up to a significant number of man hours:
Right now, every company is handling this process its own
The future state, on the other hand, is much simpler:
In this diagram, for a small carrier, we have the Carrier P&C Systems, you’ll validate on extraction, and you’ll put it in the OIDS format. The idea is that all partners - stat agent, analytics partners, business partners - can be exchanging data in the OIDS format.
A more complex set-up would be illustrated by the following - the product of the previous OIDS work group on 11/8:
Here, there are three different carrier P&C systems. Three companies working as one larger group. Within this system, we can have a common exchange transmission within an enterprise system. The format can be loaded into the carrier warehouse; mapped to the DOI format and by extension the DOI; and can be given to the stat agent, analytics partners and business partners.
With this setup, it is possible to have a reliable, robust pipeline to go from the carrier systems to the OIDS system - lots of consumers can use this without custom tooling.
It was strongly advocated by AAIS and Cloverleaf that Guidewire be added as an integration tool - and Cloverleaf foresees broad buy-in for this as the insurance industry works to move historical data off of legacy systems and to modernize.
Ken Sayers also suggested adding “vendor” in between each of the Carrier P&C systems and the OIDS format in the diagram above. (See action items below).
Michael Schwabrow (MS) stressed the towering need for this type of structural reformation in massive carriers with 20, 25, 30 different disparate systems.
Cory Isaacson (CI) raised the question of whether a mapping is needed for each analytics partner as well (as opposed to having them consume the transformation). PA: it would depend - but for AAIS they would prefer to receive the data in the OIDS format. In other words: some of the carriers need data to be transformed, and some do not. Same for vendors.
-Validations also need to be added to the Future State diagram.
Logistics Discussion - Peter Antley
Additional white paper discussions are forthcoming on the calendar. PA’s plan with the paper is to write from a fairly high level to avoid self-limitations.
After this it will be critical to get into the minutiae of what the OIDS data standard will look like.
PA noted wrt the white paper meeting that the next session will be cancelled on 11/25 and that the meeting series will resume on 12/2
PA was also asked about next steps for the white paper, and he stressed the criticality of doing an outline with some key bullet points to lay the groundwork for the OIDS white paper, working from Peter’s initial sales pitch.
Status of Cloverleaf POCs that are in Progress
-Phase 1 has been completed - which is matching the New Jersey homeowner’s NAIC Experience Report. The numbers all look good, the reports match in the pdf., etc. The acceptance criteria have been met.
-Phase 2 will soon start - this is a second use case (with a different line of business) where the group will be - among other things - reviewing another report - the New York Auto Ratemaking report that they sent to AIPSO. This Phase will mean testing the breadth of the Cloverleaf Data Model Platform. To accomplish this, AAIS and Cloverleaf have met and forwarded over their auto stat plans. The plan is for AAIS to get access to both the front and back end of the Cloverleaf Data Model Platform; Rob will arrange this access by the end of this week. Training will be scheduled on the model for early December. To kick this off, they will need a dataset similar to what they did for the NJ Homeowners Report.
Prototype Marketing Discussion - OIDS
-Ken Sayers (KS) brought up the subject of the reg reporting prototype - all of the pieces are present, the OIDS prototype is almost done. KS raised the question of how the OIDS prototype can now be shared. JH: agreed with this esp. tied to the need to drive interest in this group. JH suggested that Lanaya Nelson (LN) become involved as ecosystem manager.
-LN indicated that she is now working on a related Go-to-Market plan (see action items, below). CI suggested publicizing the effort with a video that illustrates the process and what happens. (Potentially the video could contrast the present and future state). Cloverleaf expressed a strong interest in collaborating with Lanaya on this. (See action items below).
Prototype Marketing Discussion - Bordereau
reThought is working on getting a developer freed up once their primary AAIS deliverable is complete. They will then appoint someone to generate the transmission format from their own systems - this will be turned over to Cloverleaf, which will be reformatted into the Bordereau formats with some minor field additions as needed.
Meeting Notes
Action Items Moving forward:
Peter Antley:
Add “vendor” in between each of the Carrier P&C systems and the OIDS format in the future state diagram (See action items below).
In revisions of Future State diagram, and per Cory Isaacson’s request, make sure that the diagram includes examples of carriers and stat agents that need the data mapped, and ones that do not. (A few of each please). Vendors as well.
Also add validation mechanisms for sending and receiving to Future State diagram.
Start developing a progressively more detailed outline with some key bullet points to lay the groundwork for the OIDS white paper, working from your initial sales pitch. Focus on justification for our plans and plan to workshop it with the group.
Rob Clark:
Per discussions with AAIS, arrange for them to get access to the front and back end of the Cloverleaf Data Model Platform.
AAIS Team:
Send AAIS Auto Stat plan for phase 2 use case to Michael Schwabrow at Cloverleaf. – DONE sent on 11/18
Set up training on the Cloverleaf Data Model for early December. – this sits with CLA, move up for Action item for Rob.
Send prepared dataset for phase 2 use case to Michael Schwabrow at Cloverleaf – this will be AFTER the AAIS training is scheduled.
Provide Cloverleaf with a demo of SDMA System – targeting later in December.
Lanaya Nelson
Finish GTM/BizDev and marketing plan for promoting OIDS - connect with Cloverleaf, AAIS and reThought marketing teams and get their input and direction on this in a joint meeting with all three teams. Work out how to drive OIDS forward - market and publicize it and introduce the working standard/prototype to the industry. Target first week of December.
Josh Hershman
Reach out to Lanaya to coordinate a newsletter periodically updating all openIDL stakeholders on the group’s progress.
reThought Team
Once initial AAIS deliverable is done, work on securing your team resource (developer) to generate the transmission format from the reThought systems and send this to Cloverleaf, which will reprocess it in the Bordereau format.
Nathan Southern:
Cancel the white paper meetup on Mon. 11/25 - the next one will be another week from that, on Mon., Dec. 2nd.
Escalate ticket on IP request to LF legal regarding the donation and open sourcing of Cloverleaf’s data model.
Sean Bohan:
If no response from LF Legal about the open sourcing/IP donation of Cloverleaf’s data model, reach out to the CTO of LT Decentralized Trust for assistance.